Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter.
Verse 4-10
God is longing and speaking for lost souls. And there is joy over one sinner that repents. Therefore leading lost souls to Christ is great before God and provokes celebration in heaven.
Verse 11-14
Many people want to enjoy the pleasure of this world at the expense of their relationship with God. However, there is always a crisis outside Christ. This is because no matter, how much you enjoy the things of this world, one day, the enemy will strike.
Verse 15-19
Any time one realizes his mistakes, he should make a U-turn and return to God. This is a wise decision no matter how long or how far you may have gone away from God. Truly, it will be foolishness if one comes to himself (By the grace of God) and chooses not to return but to continue to suffer.
Verse 20-24
So, no matter the reason, don’t wish to return, just return for God, for the Father is waiting for you. And when you return He will wipe away your tears and treat you as though you haven’t strayed away. This is because He sees you as a new creation, old things passing away and all things becoming new.
Verse 25-31
As a believing Christian boldly ask all you need in faith and don’t pity the Father. So, that you won’t get angry when a known sinner returns and He showers him with great blessings. Surely our God is more than capable to meet all our needs.
Verse 32
Truly, it’s not the will of God that any should perish. And there’s great joy over any sinner who returns to the Father.
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Arsheffield