Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better.
Verse 1-6
Human beings are of more value than animals. And it is good to do good when the need arises even on a Sabbath day.
Verse 7-14
It’s wise to humble yourself all the time so that people may lift you in due season. This is because humility will attract lifting while pride will provoke the downfall of the person who has it. Also, it’s important to help those who can’t repay or be a blessing to those who don’t have the means to bless you in return. This is because God will then be the one to repay you. And surely, God’s reward is more than any human can give you.
Verse 15-24
Heaven is only for those who honour the invitation of Christ to the kingdom. As such, only those who accept Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour will dine with God in heaven. Also, the Father expects His house to be full and He has no discrimination. Therefore, go to odd places and reach out to souls for Christ, for He died for all. However, there is a need for you to apply wisdom when going to certain places. Furthermore, the Lord is looking for those who will be available for Him to use. However, if you’re too busy for Him you may miss heaven in the process.
Verse 25-33
Anyone who doesn’t forsake all to follow Christ is not fit for heaven. Truly, God wants us to put Him first before any other thing. So, nobody should prefer anything to the Almighty God, and this includes you.
Verse 34-35
We’re the salt of the earth. So, we must make sure to retain our saltiness, otherwise, we will become useless for anything.
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Arsheffield