Verse 9
God wants us to reverence the Sabbath day, and make it a resting day, especially for our helpers. However, as Christ pointed out, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day.
Verse 12-13
For you to be successful in life and make the right choices, it’s important that you learn and practice the act of separation to pray. This enables you to commune with the Alpha and Omega to get the proper direction and wisdom you need. So, after spending quality time with God, Christ received the names of those He was to choose as His disciples. And among them was Judas who was to betray Christ.
Verse 17-19
They came to hear Him and to be healed. So, He healed them all. Also, power came forth from Him and healed the people that touched Him. So, the word needs to come first before the healing. This is because hearing the word builds up the faith needed for your healing.
Verse 20-23
The amplified bible defines ‘Blessed’ as spiritually prosperous, happy, and to be admired. And the ‘Poor in the spirit’ are those devoid of spiritual arrogance and those who regard themselves as insignificant. As such it’s a blessing when you work according to God’s will. And part of the blessings is that you will inherit the kingdom of God.
Verse 31
This says that you should do to men just as you want them to do to you. This is important because it will greatly affect our communities positively if we all obey it.
Verse 35-36
God expects us to love our enemies, to be merciful and kind to the unthankful and evil, just like He would. And He promised to reward those who do so and manifest as true children of God.
Verse 38
Giving truly is the secret to divine abundance and a spiritual law too. And the scripture says that your giving cannot be compared to the returns God will give you. Also, giving to others is investing in God, and it’s better than any other investment. This is because He pays higher and in different ways. For instance, it can be in form of ideas, favour, promotion, financial blessings, or good health. In addition, you’re rewarded according to how much you invest. In fact, God taught the world ‘Investment’.
Verse 39-42
Christ made it clear that it’s not right to be looking for faults in others and condemning them when you have your own faults. Rather, you should focus on getting rid of the faults in your life.
Verse 43-45
You can’t give what you don’t have, for what is inside of you determines what you bring out. And the scripture says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. As such what is inside of you determines what you say. And life and death lie in the power of the tongue. Therefore, guard what you store within you.
Verse 46-49
Don’t be a hearer only, but also a doer of God’s word. And don’t profess to be a child of God when you don’t do what He says.
Lord, make me a doer of your word and not just a hearer in Jesus name. Amen.
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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