Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter.
Verse 1-12
The chief priest, rulers, and the people told lies against Christ and mocked Him, so it shouldn’t be strange to us when people do likewise to us. Also, learning from Christ, sometimes, the best answer is silence.
Verse 13-25
The people rejected Jesus Christ and picked Barabbas as whom they wanted released to them, yet, Barabbas was a rebel and a murderer. Though Pilate and Herod found no evil in Him to kill Him, the people refused to have Him go free. Unfortunately, the world today is still rejecting Christ, who is their Saviour.
Verse 26-31
We should pray for us and our children that they will never be among those who persecute Christ and His followers.
Verse 32- 43
Christ prayed for those persecuting Him, in spite of all they had done to him, leaving us an example to follow. Also, note that no matter what sin you committed, any time you repent and call on God you will be saved.
Verse 44-48
While Christ was on the cross and before He gave up the ghost, the veil at the temple tore into two. This symbolizes our free access to God’s presence. Also, note that Christ was the one who gave up His ghost.
Verse 49-56
Surely, in the midst of those who don’t believe in Christ, you will find believers in Christ. Therefore, ensure that you are numbered among the believers at all times
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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