January 24, 2025

2 thoughts on “What Determines Your Take Away Package In A Church Service?

  1. It has to be an alive church, sometimes you go expecting and or greeted with a sincere but a lukewarm church.
    I didn’t know until recently some churches have pre approved sermons.
    Message is safe, but no substance to help fight life battles.
    Our children and adults must be prepared for becoming nonconforming believers.
    I remember when I first became a believer, I was not prepared for the persecution, I would draw back, thinking anyone would love Christians.
    That was years ago, now I know and experience the truth. It us an honor to belong to the Kingdom of God.
    Now, I look for like minded people who support each other. Who understands the two Kingdoms that exist and that only one will win.
    The greatest privilege in the world has been given to me, to be a part of Gods Kingdom.
    I now know, you have to know the Word, believe the Word, and use it in our circumstances.
    Yes, we need on fire church, I have been tuning into some African churches, this particular pastor gets his knees to pray and humbly talk to God as if He’s right in his face.
    I see people openly weeping before God, asking Him to accept their praise.
    I see real praise.

    1. Praise God!
      Thanks for sharing this.
      May the fire of God burn in all churches in Jesus name.
      God bless you.

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