Whose speed are you engaging to get to your desired position? Everyone desires to get to their topmost top as fast as possible, but the means of getting there which you employ determines whether you will ever get there, the state in which you do and how long you can sustain the position. This post encourages you to go by God’s speed.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth – Psalms 121:1-2 (NKJV).
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise – Hebrews 10:36 (KJV).
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness… – II Peter 3:9 (NKJV).
Everyone wants a better life for himself or herself. But some people may never do anything to change their status, while others will. However, those who will do something will engage different means to achieve their goal: some will engage God’s speed, some will employ human speed and others will use devil’s speed.
Human Speed
Many a time, people consider God’s speed as being slow. They would rather use human connections and wisdom to speed up the success process. They may use bribery and corruption, seduction, blackmail, and falsehood to get what they want. Some may choose not to go that way as Christians, but they will cut down their activities with God: they may stop paying their tithes, stop going to or serving in the church to have more time to do their own things. Unfortunately, these acts will expose them to the attacks of the enemy.
Human speed is grossly limited and mostly anti-scriptural and will eventually land the person into both spiritual and physical troubles. When you engage this speed, you can’t go beyond your ability as a human being and you will act devoid of love towards your neighbour. This speed is characterized by dissatisfaction, anxiety, health issues, building up of enemies and fear
Devil’s Speed.
Sadly, some people will engage diabolical means to get what they want. This is selling their birthright for a morsel of bread. It is living in bondage for a temporary satisfaction of fleshly desires. There is nothing good the enemy can ever give you. If he gives you one thing, he will take it back and much more. He does not like any human being, people made in the image of God. Any promise of good is a disguise of evil. The interesting thing is that anything gotten from the enemy is never sustained and the curse is generational.
God’s Speed
This may be fast or sometimes may seem slow but it is sure. It is walking according to God’s perfect plan for you. It is having the Alpha and Omega helping you, dictating your moves and the pace by which you move. God is not slack in keeping His promises (2 Peter 3:9), rather He ensures that all things work together for your good (Romans 8:28). However, you have need of patience that after you have done the will of God you may obtain the promise (Hebrews 10:36).
Benefits of God’s Speed
1. No sorrow – The blessings of God are without sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). The blessings will not steal sleep, joy or peace from you. There is no problem attached to it. So when you see any devil, you will quickly detect and keep it away.
2. Timeliness – God’s speed is such that when you get your heart desire it will be at the right time, such that you will be overwhelmed with it and you will be giving God nothing short of all the glory. Everyone that hears about it will acknowledge that it is the finger of God. Also, it will be a great source of blessings to many people at that time causing them to give glory to God. An example is the story of the death and restoration to life of Lazarus (John 11:1-45). Jesus was there on time, He not only raised Lazarus back to life, He also drew people back to God and glorified Him in their presence.
3. Unparalleled gain – Where God will take you no man or devil can take you, neither can they give you what God will give you. The Lord’s blessing is comparable to nothing, only be diligent and patient and you will get it. It took 25 years before Abraham got his promised son Isaac, however, he also got Jesus coming through his lineage and multitude of spiritual sons and daughter through Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:29).
4. Self development – God’s speed enables you to grow during the process of getting to your desired status. It prepares you to be able to sustain the blessing when you finally get it. You are developed spiritually, mentally and emotionally. David started as a shepherd boy taking care of his father’s sheep, but the skills and knowledge he acquired in the process were what he used to be a successful king that was celebrated by God (Acts 13:22) and is still celebrated by men on earth.
5. Supernaturally sustained
God ensures that when you get to that position on His terms that no man or devil will be able to remove you (Psalms 41:2). This is because; if God is for you no one can be against you. When the Lord blesses you, He preserves the blessing. Daniel went to Babylon as a slave, but walking according to God’s speed sustained him as a senior leader in that land over four regimes, even unto his old age.
The fulfillment of Joseph’s dream
The Lord showed Joseph that he was going to be great in life and he believed it. However, the journey to its fulfillment was far-fetched with him being sold as a slave by his own brothers. Things didn’t seem to get better for him, because he landed in the prison for remaining right with God and moving according to His speed. Nevertheless, the prison house gave him access to the fulfillment of his dream. He got to the palace at the time when his family and other nations were soon to face the worst famine ever. The Alpha and the Omega knew what would happen ahead of time and allowed Joseph to go through what he went through in order to position him well, being the chosen one for the assignment. During the wilderness experience, he built up himself to be able to function in that position and still remain in the Lord. God sustained him as number two in that kingdom till his death, and when he got to that position there was no record again of any such sorrow in his life.
Hallelujah! It pays to wait on God and go by His pace. He can never mismanage your life. Diligently do His will and patiently wait for His enthronement for it shall surely come. See you up there in Jesus name.
What other benefits of God’s speed can be added?
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Tito & Eva Marie Balangue
Let the Big Mighty hand of God be with us forever. His Name be Praised.Thank you for your inspirational word for building my strength. Let the Big GOD be with you
Glory to God!
God bless you Lucas.
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