How many people have you shared the good news of your salvation with? Do you want others to be saved? If receiving Christ as your saviour is wonderful, you will want other people to have Him too as their saviour too. Surely, the joy of salvation, you shouldn’t keep to yourself alone. This post encourages you to reach out and win souls for Christ.
And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give – Matthew 10:7-8 (NKJV).
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned – Mark 16:15-16 (NKJV).
Since the time of our Lord Jesus, there has been a network marketing of the gospel of Christ. This is a channel whereby, one hears and receives the gospel and goes ahead to share the gospel with others. And as these people receive the gospel, they too go ahead to tell others and the network keeps increasing. This is how salvation reached our generation and reached you, and will reach generations after us if Jesus tarries. Therefore, it’s very important that you evangelize, reach out and win souls that multitudes be delivered from condemnation.
Freely You Receive, Freely Give
Praise God, the salvation of our souls is free. So, we can freely share the good news with others that they be saved too. For, it’s not the will of God that any perish, but that all should have eternal life.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance – 2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV).
Therefore, having been saved, it’s important that you join the army of Jesus to reach out and win souls for Christ. So, let the joy of salvation flow from you to many others. Hence, freely you have received Christ, free lead many others to Him.
It’s Not A Burden
Evangelism is not a burden if you value the souls of the lost and have compassion towards them as God does. Rather, it will be a thing of joy that multitudes get delivered from darkness and have opportunities to return to God. And that you’re found worthy to be part of the vessels used of God to draw souls to the Lord. Therefore, reach out to others as someone reached out to you
Two Important Ways Of Winning Souls
1. Going out to preach the word
This involves you going out to meet the unsaved one on one to preach the gospel of Christ to them. Also, you lead them through the sinner’s prayer and follow them up physically till they’re established in Christ and active for Jesus.
2. Praying for labourers and salvation of souls
This demands that you spend quality time praying for God to send preachers to the unsaved. That is praying for people to go to many or specific places to preach the gospel to the people there. Also, pray that God will open the hearts of the people to receive the word of God and be saved. So, you pray as you’re led by the Holy Spirit.
Now, you’re to do both, but in a situation where you can’t do both always, you can choose the one you can do consistently. For instance, the disciples were consistently praying and ministering the word (Acts 6:4), while Anna gave herself to fasting and prayer (Luke 2:36-37). And the Lord Jesus said which we should pray for God to send labourers to the harvest field.
But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word – Acts 6:4 (NKJV).
Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day – Luke 2:36-37 (NKJV).
Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest – Matthew 9:38 (NKJV).
The Samaritan Woman’s Strategy
The Samaritan woman reached out to her community for Christ. Though she didn’t know or say much, yet she successfully drew people to Jesus. Therefore, her strategy is worth emulating and still very effective. So, here is her strategy:
The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Then they went out of the city and came to Him… And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.” And many more believed because of His own word – John 4:28-30, 39(NKJV).
1. Share your testimony
The Samaritan woman only told them a man told her all things that she ever did. And they believed, knowing that there was something special about this man she talked about. So, you can share your encounter or experience with Christ. Truly, your testimony is a pointer to what can also happen in that person’s life. For God is not a respecter of persons, anyone who believes is a candidate for the Lord’s touch.
2. Direct them to a living church
She invited them to come and see this same man for themselves, which they did and then believed the more in Christ. So, invite your converts or prospective converts to church services, preferably where you are getting your own nourishment. And they will hear what you hear that keeps you waxing strong in the Lord, with proofs to show. Then, they will believe and surrender to Jesus.
Fear Not
Many Christians are afraid to evangelize, reach out and win souls for Christ. This is because they’re afraid of what people may do to them as they’re preaching or afterwards. Unfortunately, this act shows your lack of faith in God and fear of the devil. However, the scriptures (Matthew 10:27-28) say that you should preach God’s word without the fear of men, who can only kill the body. Rather, you should fear the Lord, who will not only kill the body but destroy it with the soul in hell.
Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell – Matthew 10:27-28 (NKJV).
Again, no matter how long you live here on earth, you will go someday. So, why be afraid of dying doing the will of God? Besides, Christ promised that He will be with you always, even to the end of the age, as you teach people to do the will of God. Therefore, let go of fear, for fear has torment.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen – Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)
Evangelism is one thing every believing Christian must learn to do. So, having given your life to Christ, you must also go out and bring others into the fold. For there is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost fully resident in the family of God. Therefore, reach out and win souls that they may enjoy the blessings of the house as you do.
Jesus is Lord!
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Chris Yarzab