Do you desire that God should use you to work signs and wonders? If so, know that you have desired a good thing. However, it doesn’t just happen by wishing it, but through taking practical spiritual steps. This post gives the six major keys to working signs and wonders.
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them – Mark 11:22-24 (NKJV).
All believing Christians are to work signs and wonders (Mark 16:17-18). However, very few Christians get to do this in their lifetime and at different measures. This is because very few people are ready to build up themselves for God to use them (2 Timothy 2:21). But when we purge ourselves from all hindrances and avail ourselves for God to use, the Lord will work signs and wonders through our hands.
Truly, some Christians have the gifts of the spirit that enable them to do signs and wonders (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). However, how far God can use them still depends on them. So, the level to which you’re ready to prepare yourself determines the level of signs and wonders done through you.
The Secrets To Working Signs And Wonders
1. Raw faith in God’s word
Our faith in God and His word determines how much of signs and wonders that God can work through our hands. And it is raw faith in the word of God. As such, it should be to you, if the Almighty God has said it, then it’s done. This is the kind of faith that doesn’t question God’s word but believes it as it is written. This faith takes the word as the final thing and sees it as the end of the discussion.
Abraham had this kind of faith. For instance, when God promised that Sarah would bear a son, Abraham never doubted Him one bit. Rather, he was persuaded that the Lord, who had promised, was more than able to do as He had said (Romans 4:16-22).
2. Fasting and prayer
This is important in preparing you to be used by God. For, it is a time to wait on God in a fast while seeking Him in prayers. And it helps you to silence the dictates of the flesh and be spiritually sensitive. As such, you tend to hear God as He speaks to you. So, as you follow His directions, God will work the signs and wonders through you.
Furthermore, our Lord Jesus recommended prayer and fasting to the disciples when they couldn’t heal the epileptic child (Matthew 17:21). And we know that Jesus Christ spent 40 days and nights before He fully commenced His short work on earth (Matthew 4:2). So, you can’t avoid prayer and fasting if you desire to do signs and wonders.
3. Separation unto God
Sometimes, you need to be alone with God, away from distractions. This enables you to focus on God and the purpose for which you’re seeking Him. For instance, Christ, though ever busy, always separated Himself to seek God, the Father, in prayers. Also, sometimes, He would go with the apostles away from other disciples and multitude (Matthew 26:36-37, Matthew 14:23).
4. The voice of God
When you hear from God on any issue your faith is strengthened, and doubts and unbelief disappear. As such, you’re certain that it will happen even as the Lord had said. And if any obstacle comes on your way, it will not trouble you at all.
For instance, when God spoke to Abraham that he was going to have a son, Abraham believed. In addition, he was fully persuaded that it would happen even as He had said (Romans 4:21). And true to his faith, God gave him Isaac.
However, I advise you not to seek voices so that you will not end up hearing the enemy. Let God choose to speak to you at His own time.
5. Good conscience
You have need of good conscience for your faith to work (1 Timothy 1:19). So, when your conscience is not condemning you, you won’t wonder whether God will use you or not. And you will expect Him to work with you even as He worked with the apostles. Therefore, have a good conscience void of offense towards God or man.
6. Bold speaking
This is another important secret to working signs and wonders. For the scripture says in Mark 11:23 that you shall have what you say. And this proves that you believe in God and His word. Therefore, declaring the word of God over something or somebody with boldness and faith will command signs and wonders.
Even, the disciples asked God to grant them boldness to preach the word (Acts 4:29-31). And as they did so, God confirmed their words with signs and wonders.
It is the Lord’s desire to show forth His power to men through His children. However, He will only use a prepared and available vessel. As such, if God is to do signs and wonders through you, you need to work according to the secrets given above.
Jesus is Lord!
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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