Why will you live a life of sacrifice? What will you gain living a sacrificial life? Many people find it difficult to comprehend why they should sacrifice their life for another. Yet, it is the reasonable service unto God and is loaded with great benefits. This post is aimed at helping you understand why living a life of sacrifice is crucial for you as a believing Christian.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me – Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)
I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship – Romans 12:1 (AMP)
What is living a life of sacrifice?
It is to live your life totally for Christ. You don’t think of yourself first before you say or do anything. You live purely as a soldier who has no life of his own in quote. You live as commanded by God in His word and as led by the Holy Spirit.
God actually requires every Christian to live a sacrificial life; it is an act of spiritual worship. It is actually walking in love, putting God and others first before you. It is you being a seed planted because of Christ that will certainly bring forth great harvest. Every seed planted in a good soil always brings forth good harvest and Jesus Christ is the good soil.
Jesus Christ is a perfect example of living a life of sacrifice. While He was here on earth, He did nothing of Himself, but acted according to the instructions of God the father. All His judgments were based on what He heard from God. He was able to live a sacrificial life because he did not seek His own but the will of His father who sent Him, John 5:30.
Also, at Mount Olives, faced with the agony of the death that awaited Him on the cross, Jesus chose to do the will of His father and not His own. He dearly wanted the cup to be taken away from Him that He prayed so earnestly; His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground, but He yielded to God’s will – Luke 22:41-44.
Now how do you become a living sacrifice?
You need to make a total commitment to seek and do God’s will and not your own. You should always say, ”not my will Lord but yours be done”. Remember, as a believing Christian you have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer you that live but Christ that lives within you. The life you now live should be by faith in the son of God that loved you and gave Himself for you.
Furthermore, you need to make a decisive dedication of your body to God. You present all the parts of your body as sacrifice to Christ. That means you consciously devote your ears, eyes, mouth, hands, legs and heart, etc., to the service of God. Having done that, subsequent use of your eyes, ears, heart, etc., should glorify God.
Alright, what are the Benefits of living a life of sacrifice?
A life of sacrifice is a life full of God and wherever God is awesome benefits are manifested:
- You will carry the presence of God all the time: His power, authority and manifestations – John 14:20-21
- Joy unspeakable will be your portion – Psalm 16:11
- The blessings, glory, power, riches, wisdom, strength and honor as Christ received will be yours- Revelations 5:12
- Eternal life in heaven with crown and stars, coupled with your mansion with many rooms because you would have won many souls for Christ – John 17:3, James 1:12, John 14:2-3,Psalm 126:6
- You will be highly lifted by God, just like Jesus lived a sacrificial life on earth and God exalted Him above all else – Philippians 2:5-7
So, is living a sacrificial life worth it? If Jesus being God did it, we can do it also and that includes you. It really pays to live this kind of life.
Ngozi Nwoke
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Image by Amy Taylor
I need the grace to continue sacrificing to the Lord for His glory. Everything about me should be air freshened with him so that i become dead to flesh and alive in Christ. that life should be able to speak in me so that people can just read for themselves and follow Christ without any pressure.
Thanks Mummy.
Receive the grace Oikantswe in Jesus name
My life is really touch by this teaching i have discover that sacrifices is the secret to God fullness
Praise God!
God bless you Apostle Emmanuel
We must learn to give God our all who had given us his only beggotten son
Thanks Michael for your comment.
God bless you
good lessons keep up. help me know God the more
Glory to God!
God bless you Gideon
That was a very wonderful and eye opening teaching. May you be richly blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Please, let me also add that Samuel was a classical example of a living sacrifice and the benefits that accrued to the Hannah the Mother and the Father included but not limited to having her womb opened which led to her giving birth to other five children.( 1st Samuel 1&2 ). Thanks and God bless you richly. Orji Chukwu.
God bless Orji.
Thanks for that classical example
Thanks alot Ngozi, I have been looking for good message/s on sacrificial service and benefits when stumbbled over your article on that. May God contnue to keep you and use you richly.
Glory to God!
God bless you Ndubuisi
Your message has brought clarity to the topic.I have been greatly encouraged to continue living my life in ways that bring honour to God through Jesus Christ and also be a blessing to my neighbours.
God bless you as you submit to the leading of the Holy spirit.
Thanks Jeremiah for your comment.
God bless you.
Excellent! Praise the Lord!
God bless you E.J.
powerful, may God give me the grace to live a sacrificial life in Jesus Name, Amen
Glory to God.
God bless you Sarah
I was greatly blessed this morning as your article met my knowledge need on the phrase ‘living sacrifice’
Thanks Titi for sharing this.
God bless you.
May God give me the grace and strength to make my body a living sacrifice to God
Father have mercy on me. Pls take me back to yourself. I surrender myself to you as a living sacrifice. Please help me to always seek you first in all. Pls cleanse me and sanctified me. Thank you Jesus
God bless you Sambo.
Awsome! This is what i long for and may the grace of YAHWEH be upon the writter more.
Glory to God!
Thanks Richard for your comment.
God bless you.
I need the grace to continue sacrificing to the Lord for His glory. Everything about me should be air freshened with him so that I become dead to flesh and alive in Christ. That life should be able to speak in me so that people can just read for themselves and follow Christ without any pressure.
Thanks Mummy.
God bless you Go Ear.
May God grant you your heart cry in Jesus name.
Thanks for your comment.
For it takes the Spirit of Christ for someone to teach as fearfully, powerfully and wonderfully as you have taught.As I was reading,Im noticed that I was not reading the written words,but the Holy Ghost in the written WORD. Mum, may the faithful God be faithful to you and richly bless you with a blessing that looks like a lie.
Alfred Senkwe
Glory to God!
I thank God for His grace
Thanks Alfred for your comment.
God bless you.
God bless you
Thanks Romoke.
God bless you too.
Remain blessed
God bless you
May God Almighty continue to give you more grace Ma
Thank you Royal for your prayer.
God bless you
I give God the glory for using you to immensely bless me and my children church members, may your oil never run dry in Jesus name
Glory to God!
God bless you Gloria and
thanks for your comment
Glory be to Our Father God.
God bless you all.
This is a powerful and massive message.
God bless you Ebenezer.
Thanks for your comment