Hi, Jesus loves you.
What situation are you in that is so devastating and also beyond what you can handle? In situations like that what you need is intervention from the most High God, a touch from The Lord. What you actually need is the blessing of God. This post emphasizes the importance of seeking for God’s blessings and how to secure the blessings.
Jabez cried to the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me! And God granted his request. (1 Chronicles 4:10 AMP)
And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (Genesis 32:26-28 NKJV)
And God said to Balaam, “You shall not go with them; you shall not curse the people, for they are blessed.” (Numbers 22:12 NKJV)
The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22 NKJV)
Many times you hear people say, “nothing works for me” or “it’s not working”. The truth is that they lack the blessings of God. When God blesses the works of your hands, family, or your life generally, you will succeed. God’s blessing is what makes all your effort to yield excellent result.
Pastor E. A Adeboye, the general overseer of RCCG, in his book, “Windows of Heaven”, describes it like this: A blessing is a summon to all the forces in Heaven, on earth and underneath the earth to assist somebody so that he can succeed. When a blessing is pronounced on somebody, the angels in heaven and the angels on assignment here on earth hear the pronouncement. The ground on which we walk hears the pronouncements and knows that it is a summon to them that says “you must assist this particular fellow and make sure he succeeds”. That is why you might see someone who is selling water and he could even be richer than somebody selling cars; because there is a blessing upon him.
The blessing of The Lord upon you is God taking you by the hand and subduing nations before you, opening every shut door against you and making crooked places straight, breaking in pieces any barriers to your success and giving you treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places – Isaiah 45:1-3
The blessing of God upon your life turns any evil occurrences to joyful celebrations. It makes you rich and ensures that no sorrow is added to it – Proverbs 10:22. It turns your mourning into dancing and curses into blessings. It commands divine protection over your life – Numbers 6:24.
A blessed person cannot be cursed – Numbers 22:12, 23:8. And when you are blessed of God, men will have no choice but to favour you. Life is free of fear with the God’s blessings upon you – Hebrews 13:6. If there is something you really need, it is the blessing of the Lord.
How to provoke the blessing of The Lord upon your life
- A desperate cry for God’s blessing
This gets God’s attention any day and anywhere. When you cry out in faith, expecting the Lord to answer, He always does. Jacob knew that for his life to change for the better, he needed the blessing of God. He sought it desperately to the point that he struggled with an angel and prevailed. And when the angel begged to be released, he said that he would not leave him unless he blessed him. The angel blessed him and changed his name which turned around his life – Genesis 32:26-28
Jabez was another man who desperately cried out for God’s blessing. His name meant sorrow maker and it was afflicting his life. He cried to God to bless him and God granted him his desire – 1 Chronicles 4:10. A heart-felt cry will always provoke the blessing of the Lord.
- Be a consistent tither.
Tithing is a powerful way of provoking the blessings of heaven upon you. God promises to open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, such that there would not be enough room to receive it when you tithe – Malachi 3:10. That talks about all round blessing.
- Have trust and confidence in God.
God blesses those who believe in Him, trust and have confidence in Him. You will be like a tree planted by the rivers that does not know dryness, nor experience any heat whatsoever. You will not be anxious in the time of drought, neither will you cease to succeed even when others are languishing – Jeremiah 17: 7-8. Absolute trust and confidence in God will always attract His blessing.
- Service unto The Lord.
The kingdom work must continue and prosper greatly, and God’s way of saying thank you to the labourer’s in the vineyard is by blessing them. When you serve the Lord, He will bless you financially and take away sickness and diseases from your midst. You will be fruitful and He will cause you to live long – Exodus 23:25-26
- Obedience to God.
If you obey God, he would come and dwell with you, and that is with His blessings. Obedience to the Lord shows that you love and believe in Him and it commands His blessings upon you – John 14:21-24. Any where you go, this blessing will keep following you – Deuteronomy 30:16
- Fear of The Lord.
Those who fear God enjoy His goodness – Psalm 31:19. When you carry out your daily activities with the fear of the Lord, you provoke God to release His blessings upon you.
When Pharaoh asked the midwives to kill Israelites’ male babies, they didn’t do so because they feared God. And because of that God blessed them with their own households – Exodus 1:21
God’s blessings are real and are available for all. They are not for God’s benefit but for our benefit. It makes all the difference; it differentiates those who know the Lord from those that don’t know Him. That bugging situation can be changed, what you actually need is the blessing of the Lord. Stretch your hands towards God and get a smile on your face today.
Ngozi Nwoke
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Image by Sharon
Exceeding grace Mma! How are you and your family? Your posts continue to bless us and and are getting better and better. Pls keep up the good work and God himself shall repay u. I will actually be sharing this one with some friends.
Remain blessed in Jesus name!
God bless you Sis Mandu.
I thank God for the grace and His faithfulness.
Thanks for your encouragement. Greetings to everyone