How to love youHi Jesus loves you.

Today I want to share an article from Tebogo Golowe. I learned a lot from it and I believe you will too.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself – Matthew 22:39 (KJV)

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself – Galatians 5:14 (KJV)

The law of love controls everything in the kingdom; it is the key to abundant living. The fastest way to fulfill the entire scripture is by the application of this rule. One proof that one loves God is by loving your neighbor. When you study Matthew 22:34-40, Galatians 5:14 and Luke 10:25-28, the implication is that for us to love our neighbor we must first love ourselves. It is absolutely impossible to love the second party without first loving yourself.  Therefore, if you love yourself, you love God and fulfill scriptures. We are made in His Image, so reality is that you and I just look like Him in Christ. When He is looking at us He sees Himself. He made us for His pleasure, to simply see Himself. Genesis 1:26

13 points that will help you fall in love with yourself and ultimately walk in love:

  1. Know that Jesus’ perfection was credited to your account. Your past and future are already well paid for. 2 Corinthians 5:21
  2. Pursue God with your all. It’s only by your knowing Him that you discover yourself. You cannot know who you are in Christ and fail to love yourself.
  3. Give yourself permission to be human. We err sometimes not because we are wicked but simply because we don’t have the perfect knowledge. However, this does not give us the go ahead to sin but to stop the enemy from tormenting us with guilt. Ask for forgiveness and move on.
  4. Celebrate yourself. Until you do so no one will. You are the perfect version of yourself and no one can be more perfect than you are. You are treated the way you treat yourself.
  5. Never equate yourself to the things you have. You are not a car, clothes or your body. All these things are simply a means to an end.
  6. Don’t second guess yourself. You are fully loaded with potential (untapped power). Never doubt yourself because there is capacity in you to take the world by storm. Don’t conform to the world.
  7. Guard your heart, especially against negative self talk. How you talk to yourself and what you allow into your heart will affect how you perceive your being. Don’t allow people who don’t deserve it into your heart.
  8. Deal only in truth. Walking otherwise will hurt your image and will breed self condemnation and give room to the enemy. Don’t deceive yourself; get away from hypocrisy and pretence.
  9. Be and give your best at all times in all things. There is ecstasy that comes with knowing that your best was invested in whatever you did. Peace is always an offspring of knowing you gave your best even though your best may not have been good enough.
  10. Judge your life by the Word but avoid criticizing yourself. Separate what you do from who you are.
  11. Fill your life with people that believe and bring the best out of you. Shut the door from all those who do otherwise.
  12. 12.  Ask God to reveal or review your purpose.
  13. Remember what God has already done in your life and that it is okay to be you.

Romans 9:20-21

In conclusion, you owe no one any apology or explanation for loving you. God loves you and gave you His love so that you can give it to yourself and to the world, Rom 5:5.This is the law and the prophets; it is the art of walking in love and living a fulfilled life.

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