February 12, 2025

10 thoughts on “Praying In The Spirit-Power Channel For Effective And Fruitful Prayer Life

  1. Wonderful and wonderfully taught here, dear Sister. I am having “one of those days” where so much is falling apart pretty soon you have to smile because the enemy is SO obvious in his temper tantrum… and you just know it is because God is doing something VERY good on your behalf… I am also sending this to two friends who are going through “it” right now… BIG HUGS sent your way – yep, I am still “out here” in your reader’s land…

    1. It is well Marijo.
      God will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name.
      Thanks for sharing this post with others.
      God bless you. Big Hugs from me too.

  2. Such a beautiful writing as I have been praying for the gift of tongues for many years and am waiting to be able to pray in the Spirit. This give me a renewed hope as I ask Jesus to baptize me in this and I trust He will. Abundant blessings.

    1. Glory to God!
      Thanks Sandra for your comment.
      Our Lord Jesus will certainly baptize you as you ask Him.
      God bless you.

      1. Born again children of God have everything we need on the in side, all we have to do is ask God to release speaking in tongues. And after we ask Him we work our faith by speaking out and Holy Spirit will give you the words to say in the Spirit. GLORY TO GOD!!!

  3. Thank you so much for all postings on this page. I am truly blessed reading them. May the Lord continue to increase your anointing, grant you more grace and wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ. Well done madam.

  4. The lord will continue to strengthen you as you take your time to prepare messages to help lives. You will not be found wanting on the last day when christ Comes in Jesus name.

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