Are you baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with tongues? Praying in the Spirit or speaking with tongues is God’s wisdom for empowering our prayer lives and ensuring that we pray in line with the will of God, thereby securing the Lord’s intervention and blessings. It is a weapon that the enemy can neither understand nor interfere with. This post encourages you to pray more in the Spirit.
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God – Romans 8:26-27 (NKJV).
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit – Jude 1:20 (NKJV).
Praying in the Holy Spirit is very important for a powerful Christian living. It helps you to pray aright through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps you to pray very well when you pray with tongues. He helps you to pray the way and for the things you ought to. He intercedes for us with groaning which cannot be explained, He goes deep into the root of a matter to pray about it. The Spirit of God prays directly to the Father according to His will and so the Father hears Him expressly.
What happens when you pray in tongues?
- When you pray in the Spirit, you move from the earthly realm to the spiritual realm where the enemy cannot interfere with what you are saying, since he can’t understand it.
- You are empowered spiritually, because God praying through you will rub off on you His nature. It is just as when you stay a while where there is smoke; you end up smelling of that smoke, the smoke rubs off on you. God’s nature rubs off on you the more, as you spend time praying in the Holy Ghost. You will love and do great works like He does.
- The day, things, situations work out according to the Lord’s plan since the Spirit of God has prayed about them through you. This is why it is advisable to spend some time praying with tongues to thoroughly take care of issues unknown to you before stepping out or making major decisions.
- You build up your faith in God (Jude 1:20) and in His words. You will discover that you effortlessly believe God’s word and that you truly expect the word of God to be fulfilled in your life as it is written in the scriptures.
- You become more sensitive to the voice and leading of the Father. When you pray in the Spirit long enough you will get to a point where you are absolutely quiet within you and you can hear the still small voice of God speaking to you.
- Your wisdom and understanding of the scriptures are sharpened. As the Holy Spirit is praying the mind of the Lord through you, your mind is equally sharpened. You tend to reason like God and understand things explicitly, including the scriptures.
Therefore, take a decision to spend some time praying with tongues because it makes a great difference in what comes your way in life and how you respond to issues. The longer you pray the better your testimonies. However, you must pray in the Spirit believing that the Holy Spirit is praying through you according to the will of the Lord and that it shall be as He had prayed.
If you are born again and not baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with tongues, ask Jesus to baptize you with Him, for Christ is the baptizer and He will. However, you may choose to go to your Pastor who will minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit to you. But, know that only Jesus can baptize you with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11). Baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers you to do exploit for God. Paul is a good example of someone who enjoyed the power of speaking with tongues.
Paul the apostle prayed in the Spirit more than the rest (1 Corinthians 14:18), no wonder he was so powerful, did great signs and wonders, had great revelations from Jesus and achieved a lot for Christ. He covered so many territories for Christ and wrote about two-third of the New Testament. Praying in the Spirit is a blessing, therefore key into it and derive all the blessings within it for you.
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Maltz evans
Wonderful and wonderfully taught here, dear Sister. I am having “one of those days” where so much is falling apart pretty soon you have to smile because the enemy is SO obvious in his temper tantrum… and you just know it is because God is doing something VERY good on your behalf… I am also sending this to two friends who are going through “it” right now… BIG HUGS sent your way – yep, I am still “out here” in your reader’s land…
It is well Marijo.
God will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name.
Thanks for sharing this post with others.
God bless you. Big Hugs from me too.
Such a beautiful writing as I have been praying for the gift of tongues for many years and am waiting to be able to pray in the Spirit. This give me a renewed hope as I ask Jesus to baptize me in this and I trust He will. Abundant blessings.
Glory to God!
Thanks Sandra for your comment.
Our Lord Jesus will certainly baptize you as you ask Him.
God bless you.
Born again children of God have everything we need on the in side, all we have to do is ask God to release speaking in tongues. And after we ask Him we work our faith by speaking out and Holy Spirit will give you the words to say in the Spirit. GLORY TO GOD!!!
Thanks Doug for your comment.
God bless you.
Thank you so much for all postings on this page. I am truly blessed reading them. May the Lord continue to increase your anointing, grant you more grace and wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ. Well done madam.
Glory to God!
Thanks Gabriel for your prayers.
God bless you.
The lord will continue to strengthen you as you take your time to prepare messages to help lives. You will not be found wanting on the last day when christ Comes in Jesus name.
Thank you Emmanuel for this prayer.
God bless you.