February 9, 2025

55 thoughts on “How to Ask And Receive From God Always

  1. Praise God!Thanks so much for these great tips on how to ask from God.
    Iam going to Receive everytime i ask from God and Everything i will RECEIVE in Jesus’ Mighty Name,

      1. I am a wanderer in this world. I am interested in everything and all of god’s creations! I pretty much walk alone! I do not seem to fit in any group of individual beliefs! I believe in God, the created of all things! This world of mankind is growing more and more out of control of man! I am afraid that without the blessing of God, mankind will someday, perhaps sooner than expected, lose what respect we have with the Lord!
        I am a sinner, I am actively trying to find my place and my true purpose I was created for! I was a lost soul in need. I am trying to rebuild my relationship with God! All information has some impact on my search! I thank you for your thoughts and insights!

        1. God bless you Richard.
          Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
          One thing to do to start your relationship with God is to give your life to Jesus.
          Click the link below and say the prayers there. You will be saved and reconnected back to God.


          Then can you rebuild your relationship with God through reading the bible and praying to God in the name of Jesus.
          It is my prayer that God will satisfy your thirst for a relationship with Him in Jesus name.

  2. Another way to ask and received from God is through persistence in prayers.the more we pray,the closer we move God in our direction.
    And also i think the motive for which we ask from God also matters.We should ask with good motive.If God knows we have negative intention,pride,hurt,selfishness etc,the answer are not definitely granted

  3. I thank God for your Life. May He continue to bless and enlighten you in His word with wisdome and understanding in Jesus Name. Amen!

    Thank You for this write up.

  4. Dear Sir/Maa’m,

    I realy extremely thanks to Team of “Steps with God”, for giving us such a wonderful message. I always share your topic to people of apatani, who are still under the darkness/bondage of Satan. they are still sacrifice to evil spirit till now. please pray for us,. Amen.

  5. I remember back in my final year when I was in the university, I had begun to write my project and I needed an A. I also realised that in previous years I had put my best in my academics but I didn’t get my desired G.P, so, I began doing midnight prayers and getting closer to God. I would like to do an outline of the steps I took in the midnight prayer.
    1 I praised and worshiped the Lord by singing.
    2 I thanked Him for His goodness and mercy. I also tried to state the good things He had done for me previously, and I really told Him how much I appreciated them.
    3 I asked him for forgiveness, stating the things I had done that I thought were sinful.
    3 I asked Him for power to live a holy life
    4 I asked Him to increase my faith(at the time I couldn’t believe that I could get an A in my project because of past failures. I knew I needed to believe and I couldn’t help my self).
    5 I thanked Him for my faith that He had increased.
    6 I then told Him my needs and reminded Him of His promises. I thanked for answers to prayers
    7I went on to do warfare prayers (you know what happened to Daniel and how the answer to his prayers were delayed).

    I continued with this every midnight, except on Saturday nights. During those days I felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I felt like I was breathing in very fresh breath in the morning even as I carried out my day to day activity. I also began to have prophetical dreams daily. The experience was so wonderful; I had my prayers answered easily and at last, I got my desired A.

    1. Thank you Anulika for your detailed contribution.
      Congratulations too on your A-grade. Truly, your spiritual exercise not only fetched you your desired A in project but also a closer relationship with God. The blessings of this level of relationship cannot be quantified. I pray that you will grow deeper and deeper in the Lord in Jesus name.

      1. Amen. Thank God for this website also. May the Lord strengthen you as you continue to reach out to people through it.

  6. Thank you so much for that great teaching, am really encouraged.l will surely stand on the word of God and keep believing for my breakthrough, until l receive it

  7. thank you a million for these article it helped me a lot in my radio presentation programme these morning.. God Bless You and give you more grace.

  8. I am so blessed to have seen and read such an inspiring message. I know those who work with God reach their destination.May God almighty continue to increase u in all ramifications God bless u.Shalom!

  9. I really thank u ma, at least dis will help my prayer life and on hw to receive answers to my prayers. Am really encouraged!

  10. I walk by faith and not by sight, this gives me the assurance for God’s promises in his words, for my miracle that I ask,seek and knock for. Most people don’t know how to wait on the Lord to manifest his power to bring whatever it is they need,want or desire. So stand and see GOD work wonders.

  11. God bless, 24 year old praying and waiting for the only true and living God to answer my prayers in his time. Thank you , Gods will for us is to share the gospel with all the nation like his disciples did. We must be committed servants to God. Thank you

    1. Thanks Mike for your comment.
      God will surely answer you, for He is ever faithful.
      God bless you.

  12. Lately around October to be precise, things were so rough and my family had to go to my in-laws to stay for a while. My wife told me that a vision came that things would become even worse than it already has. And that I needed to do things I know were contrary to my Faith to avert it. I took almost all of the outlined steps and I can boldly tell u dat I knw the key to getting whatever I want except those that are out of God’s wish. And why would one want what God does not want anyway?

    1. Hallelujah!
      Thanks Tosin for sharing this.
      May God do for you more than you have asked, can imagine or think in Jesus name.
      God bless you.

  13. I really love this and you’ve really made my day great.
    Thank you very much and May God Bless you.

  14. More grace. I’m so blessed by the message. The message got me at the right timing especially when I’m still trusting the Almighty God for many things in my life. And most often as a new convert to Christianity I do not always know how to go about it but with this message which I have not only read but have copied I think I have a better guide now God bless you.

    1. Praise God!
      Thanks Nformi for your sincere comment.
      May God uphold you greatly till the coming of Christ.
      God bless you.

  15. Blessed be the name of the Lord. I highly appreciated this message, and would like to receive more from you to learn as a pastor. Thanks very much.

    1. Hallelujah!
      Thanks Pastor for your comment.
      By the grace of God the posts come in once every week and
      I pray that they will continue to minister to you in Jesus name.
      God bless you sir.

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