And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him. (Genesis 2:18, KJV). God created women to be helpers fit for various needs of man. Jesus women were help meets indeed in Jesus Ministry. The women role and contribution in His ministry added to the fulfilment of His assignment on earth.
Jesus visit to earth started with a woman, Mary, who was a virgin and strong believer of God’s words. She believed the seemed impossible case by man’s standard and was used by God to birth His plan for man’s redemption. Not much was mentioned of Jesus father but Mary, the mother of Jesus was totally involved in Jesus ministry. She initiated His first miracle (turning of water into wine) at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, John 2: 1-11 and she followed Him up to His death and resurrection.
Jesus women ministered to His needs. Though Jesus was anointed, He still needed to take care of his flesh to be able to operate on earth. The women took care of His food and I believe His wears also, out of what they had. They used their money to serve Jesus.
Some of these women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna (Luke 8:2-3), were healed of evil spirits and infirmities. They became followers of Christ and showed their appreciation by ministering to His needs.
The women role and contribution in Jesus ministry were more than providing for His physical needs. One Jesus woman, broke a precious alabaster box of ointment and poured it on Jesus feet and wiped His feet with her hair in preparation for Jesus death. Mark 14:3-9
Furthermore, Mary Magdelene and Mary (mother of James), were the people who followed the body of Jesus until they saw where He was laid, Mark 15:47. Also, on the day He rose again, the same women with some other women went to anoint His body and were the first to discover that He had risen as He said, Luke 24:1-10
Again, what a wonderful thing that Jesus after His resurrection first appeared to a Jesus woman, Mary Magdalene. She became the first person to spread the good news that Jesus is alive, Mark 16:9-10.
What do these women have in common? They believed in Jesus Christ and His ministry and were deep followers of Christ. They served Him with their money, time and energy. They were always there for Jesus. They were ever grateful and thankful to Jesus Christ for their salvation and healing.
Many people claim to be Christians but are too busy to serve God. Some do not consider serving God with their money, time and energy as part of their Christian walk with God. God is still looking for men and women who will be available to be used by Him in fulfilling His plan and purpose for man.
The women contribution in Jesus ministry was written for us to learn and do likewise. Women are still playing important roles in the ministry of the gospel of our Lord Jesus. The question is what is your own role or contribution even now, whether you are a man or a woman?
What else can you say about Jesus women?
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I am blessed by this
Praise God!
God bless you Olaoluwa and thanks for your comment.
I really enjoy reading the post on how to pray. It really strengthen my faith in God. I will also be looking for more post from you.
Praise God!
Thanks, Scarboro for your comment.
God bless you.