Discerner Of The Thoughts And Intents Of The Heart For the word of God is living and...
word of God
SHARPER THAN ANY TWO-EDGED SWORD For the word of God is living and active and full of...
Introduction Have you been praying and it’s as if your prayers are not being answered? This can...
Introduction What is the word of God? God’s word is the answer to every question and solution...
Introduction What is the word of God to you? The word of God is more than a...
How do you see God’s glory in the church? Surely, some Christians have wondered this in their...
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Why is God’s glory difficult to see in our present churches? Surely, some Christians have...
This is a repost, but very vital today. May God minister to you as you go through...
Introduction Do you acknowledge the big God in you? A man’s greatest challenge is the evils that...
Introduction Some widows find it difficult to pick up their lives after the death of their husbands....
The word of God is powerful but can only be made manifest in our lives when we...
The widows in our midst need our support, not just sympathy. They don’t need our pity because...
The stories in the bible are full of lessons, which when applied in our lives transform us...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-12 Hallelujah!...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-6 Truly,...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-4 What you...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-8 Christ manifested...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-11...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-8...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-4...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 1-9 God...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter. Verse 4-10 God...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better....
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better....
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to...
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better....
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better....
Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better....
Introduction This chapter gives an account of John’s ministry: his preaching in preparation for Christ’s ministry, and...
Introduction This chapter gives an account of the birth of Jesus Christ, and when he was presented...
Introduction For the next couple of weeks, we want to look at the book of Luke. Please,...
Are you aware of the power that lies in your mouth? Some people understand and believe in...
What do you expect from the word of God? Your expectation is a function of what...
Are you actively fellowshipping with other believers? The place of fellowship in the life of a...
Now that you’re saved, what next? Truly, it’s one thing to get saved, and another thing...
What type of labour do you engage in most? Many people are labouring for different reasons...
Do you know Jesus as Christ and are you enjoying His blessedness? A personal understanding of...
How much of God’s love have you experienced? The love of God is awesome and deep...
Are you building up your spirit man more than your soul or body? The one you...
Are you afraid of COVID-19 or do you have faith in God that it won’t affect...
How are you fighting or protecting yourself from this COVID-19 virus that is afflicting people today? ...
Who do you see when you look at the mirror? This is because who you see determines...
What kind of diet are you on now in order to shine brightly as a star?...
Have you ever wondered why your faith seems not working? Many Christians truly believe the word...
What year do you desire to have this year and what tools are you using to create...
Do you desire to have the wisdom of God? It is a great desire to have...
Do you have wisdom? Wisdom is the key to successful living on earth. Lack of it...
Are you a baby still drinking milk or matured co-heir with Christ eating solid food? What...
The Spirit of God indwelling you is power, how much of Him have you experienced? Many...
What value do you place on the word of God? Your value of the word determines...