Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt
There was also famine in Canaan and Jacob and his children were short of food. When Jacob heard that there was food in Egypt, he sent his sons to go and buy food. However, Benjamin didn’t go with them.
Joseph remembers the dreams
When Joseph’s brothers came before him they bowed down with their faces on the ground. And Joseph recognized his brothers, though they didn’t recognize him. Then Joseph remembered the dreams in which his brothers bowed down to him.
Joseph’s brothers called spies
Joseph chose to be rough with his brothers and called them spies; he said that they came to spy on the nakedness of the land. This, his brothers refuted and said they were brothers and honest men. Also, they told him that they were twelve brothers; the youngest was with their father, while one was no more.
Benjamin, to be brought to Egypt
Joseph told them that they would have to bring their youngest brother to verify their words that they were not spies. However, he put them in prison for three days but released them to take food to their families. Nevertheless, he imprisoned Simeon and would only release him when they returned with Benjamin.
Joseph’s brothers, guilty of what they did to him
Joseph’s brothers remembered what they did to him, how he pleaded with them with anguished soul, yet they refused to listen. And they felt guilty about what they did to him.
As such, they attributed the distress they were going through to what they did to Joseph then. While they discussed this, Joseph heard them but they didn’t know since he talked to them through an interpreter.
The brothers return to Canaan
So the brothers left for Canaan leaving behind Simeon. And Joseph gave instructions that they should give them provisions for their journey and also return their money. Then, on the way, one of them discovered his money was in his sack and they were afraid. Now, when they got home, they told Jacob all that happened to them. Also, they told him the governor’s demand that they must return with Benjamin next time. Furthermore, when they opened their sacks, they all saw their money in their sacks.
Jacob refuses to release Benjamin
Though they explained everything to Jacob, he said he wouldn’t release Benjamin to go with them. This was because Joseph to him was no more and he didn’t want to lose Benjamin too. In addition, he wasn’t pleased that Simeon was taken too. And he felt that things were against him. Though Reuben offered to give his two sons to death if he didn’t return with Benjamin, Jacob still refused to release Benjamin. He also said that if anything happened to Benjamin, it would lead to his own death.
- God’s words must surely come to pass. The dreams that God showed Joseph, which angered his brothers still came to pass, though it took some years. So, whatever the Lord says to you, though it tarries, believe it and it will surely come to pass.
- One’s sins will still catch up with him. This we see with Joseph’s brothers; for what they did to Joseph came back years later to haunt them.
- Love holds no grudges. In spite of what the brothers did to him; he still released them to take food to their families because of the famine. Also, he asked his servants to put provisions for their journey and to return their monies to them.
Truly, Joseph understood his God, walked in His ways, and enjoyed fulfilment of His words in his life.
Genesis 42
Jesus is Lord!
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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