January 24, 2025

10 thoughts on “Prayer: The Missing Link I

  1. Prayer, a dialogue with God has to get to a point it becomes a reflex and of course a lifestyle. It should be exercised without much thought and contemplation.

    I think if we apply “pray without ceasing” which in my perception means being consistently conscious of God’s presence and conversing with him irrespective of where I am or what I am doing; then we will no longer see it as a chore but a delight.

  2. Thank you for sharing. Not to many people in your position are so gracious. Your article was very poignant and understandable. It helped me to understand very clearly. Thank you for your help.

    1. Thanks family vacation ideas for your comment. By God’s grace I will elaborate on the topic in one of the future posts.

  3. prayer is a weopon of warfare to a christian. As God,s servant put it in one of his book,a prayerless christian is a defeated christian.I have been a very prayerful woman. However of late my prayer life is deminishing and yet i know i cannot do without it.

    To be open Pastor,pray for me that God restores me.And ,what can i really do to get back on road?
    God bless you.

    1. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for being sincere in your comment.
      Ask The Holy Spirit to help you in your prayer life. Also read some good books on prayer, this will motivate you to pray.
      Then consciously make out time and prayer. Practice praying even while doing other things.
      God bless you.

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