Verse 1
People have a hunger to hear the truth. So, let’s go and give them the truth so that no one will give them falsehood and call it the truth.
It’s worth noting that Christ, with all His authority and fame, didn’t command Peter to give Him his boat, asked for his permission to use it.
Verse 4
Jesus rewarded Peter for allowing Him to use his boat. Surely, the Lord rewards us for every service we render to Him and the kingdom.
Verse 5-6
No matter your skills and expertise, you need to let God prevail in your life. This is because Christ’s supernatural touch gives you outstanding results. And until you obey God’s word you will not see any miracles.
Verse 8-9
Truly, the acts of God convict people.
Verse 10-11
Peter and his partners left all they were toiling for all night to follow Christ, who could provide it any time. Again, they immediately followed Him when He told them they would now fish men. So, when God gives you an assignment, do you delay in obeying it?
Verse 12-13
Surely, Christ heals us anytime; however, we need to believe to see the finger of God.
Verse 15
When God announces you, a multitude will come for what you have or offer.
Verse 16
Christ never ceased to pray, leaving an example for us to follow. So, no matter how busy you may be, always withdraw to pray.
Verse 17
When the word of God is being taught, the power of the Lord will be present to heal.
Verse 20
Truly, your actions show whether you have faith or not.
Verse 26
When you exercise your faith in God, strange things will be done in your life and through you.
Verse 31-32
If you have no need for God, He will not manifest Himself.
Lord, help us to be like our Lord Jesus Christ, in every area of our lives. And give us the grace to exercise our faith so that you can use us to His glory.
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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