Are you living with the consciousness of life after now? How ready are you for the day of the Lord? Many Christians are living as if some parts of God’s word will not be fulfilled, while others are living as if God will wait for them to enjoy the world first and then repent before Jesus comes back again. Unfortunately, these ones are only deceiving themselves; God will come at a time you will not know. This post encourages you to take heed to yourself so that that day doesn’t come on you unexpectedly.

But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life and that Day come on you unexpectedly. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man – Luke 21:34, 36 (NKJV).

What is your ultimate goal in life as a Christian? Your answer determines how you’ll live your life. A Christian whose ultimate goal is to spend eternity with the Father will live his or her life as the wise virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) who had enough oil in their lamps while waiting for the coming of the bridegroom. The person lives as if the day of the Lord can be the next minute and so is not entangled with the things of this world.

Jesus warns in Luke 21:34 that we should be careful not to allow the cares of this life, the fleshly desires and challenges of life to hinder us from being prepared for the day of the Lord. Many Christians indulge so much in meeting their physical and mental needs that they pay little or no attention to their spiritual needs; they are so occupied with what to eat, drink and wear, position, fame and possessions that they have no time for God. They easily forget the question Christ asked in Matthew 16:26, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul?”

God expects you to be watchful and prayerful so that the day will not come on you unexpectedly. Live your life on earth as a traveler passing through a place to his desired destination. You take and do what is necessary in the place to enable you continue your journey. You are not to be entangled with the things of the world (2 Timothy 2:4) because these will either slow you down or stop you entirely. Live as people who are going somewhere sooner than they expect.

Therefore, let every thought, word or action of yours be what will add to your journey, what will help you to be prepared for your glorious destination. If the owner of the house knew when the thief was going to come he would have prevented it (Matthew 24:43). So, also since you don’t know when the day of the Lord will be (1 Thessalonians 5:2) it is wisdom to live ready so that the day will not come on you unexpectedly.

Jesus is Lord!

Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.

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