Is it possible to still end this year in success? Many people may have given up on the year but you shouldn’t be part of them. Anything can still happen in the eleventh hour. This post tells you how you can still end the year successfully and with ease.
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” – Matthew 19:26 (NKJV).
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? – Jeremiah 32:27 (NKJV).
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever – Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV).
The year is obviously coming to the end; this is the eleventh month. Many things are yet to be accomplished, the success goals seem impossible now and you’re at the verge of breaking down. All year long, you had struggled to be successful. People are even wondering what you have been doing from the beginning of the year to date. You have come to the end of the road. I have good news for you – The God of eleventh hour miracle is here.
God makes it possible
Your issue is not an issue with God. You can easily still end the year in success. All things are possible with God. What is impossible with man is possible with God. There is nothing hard or difficult for your Lord to do. Before you think or say anything, remember that He created the whole world in SIX DAYS only. Your issue is a walkover for Him.
Before, we look into the practical steps to get God to end this year in success for you, let’s look at His acts in the scriptures.
Scriptural Examples
Elijah and Widow of Zarephath
1 Kings 17:8-15 gives account of Elijah’s encounter with the widow of Zarephath. She had only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar just for one more meal for her and her son. They were to eat and then wait for death. But God through Elijah caused those food items not to finish till the drought ended. They met the end of the drought alive and in good health.
Elisha and the famine in Samaria
Furthermore, the act of the God of eleventh hour miracle can be seen in 2 Kings Chapters 2 and 3. There was a grievous famine in the land of Samaria to the point that women were eating their children. Elisha prophesied that the Lord will intervene and cause overnight surplus of food in the land. One of the king’s officers doubted its possibility; however, it came to pass but he didn’t live to partake of it.
More amazing scriptural examples
There are so many examples of the Lord’s ability to make the impossible possible in the scriptures. Joseph was another recipient of God’s eleventh hour intervention. One night he slept as a prisoner in Egypt and the next day he was a governor in Egypt, second in-command to Pharaoh (Genesis 41:1-45).
Also, Peter, an experienced fisherman, toiled all night to catch nothing. But at the word of Jesus, he caught a net breaking and boat sinking volume of fishes (Luke 5:1-7). Finally, Jesus multiplied five barley loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand men with remnants (John 6:1-14). He also caused money to be got from a fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:27). Do you still consider your case as an impossible case?
God has not changed
The Lord is an unchangeable God; He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). What He did yesterday He can do today and tomorrow. What He was in the days of the scriptures is still what He is today. God is still the God of all possibilities. He caused others to end in success; He can cause you to end in success.
What you need now
God’s intervention is your success key at this time. It results in the Lord’s mercy and favour which turns around your situation. You need Him to say a word that would create the success you desire, break all protocols in your favour and land you in your esteemed position by the end of the year.
Practical steps to provoke God’s intervention now
It is not difficult to get the Lord to smile at you and shine His countenance upon you. You only need to touch Him by your
It is to you according your faith (Matthew 9:29). Without your faith, you can’t please God and attract His intervention. As such, you must believe that He can and will change your situation in-spite of all odds. This you can easily do when you focus your eyes on His word concerning that issue and not on the issue itself.
Heartfelt praise unto God is one of the fastest ways to get the Lord’s attention. God dwells in the praises of His people. It moves Him to act on your behalf speedily. For instance, when Paul and Silas sang unto the Lord, the prison doors were opened and everyone’s chains loosed (Acts 16:25-26). The impossible becomes possible with praise.
Doing something out of the norm (something that will cost you something) for God will provoke His intervention. This is sacrifice and it endears you to God and pleases Him. It also moves Him to go “out of His way” to please you. Solomon sacrificed a thousand burnt offerings and God gave Him a blank cheque to fill in whatever he desired (1 Kings 3:4-5). Also, Abraham sacrificed his son Isaac and God swore a blessing to him and the generations after him (Genesis 22:1-19). Furthermore, Jesus sacrificed His life and God gave Him a name above every name (Philippians 2:9-11).
This year may be ending but it’s not late for you to end it in success. The God of eleventh hour miracle is ready to add your miracle to His list of miracles and is looking out for your faith. So, put aside your fears and doubt, and engage God for His intervention today.
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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I’m blessed with this piece…
God will continue strengthen your ministry..
Glory to God!
Amen to your prayer Niyi.
God bless you.
This is the word of the Lord for me.
Thank you Mumsy
Glory to God!
Thanks Mandu for your comment.
May God grant you your heart desire this year in Jesus name.
Mma Moruti, just the Word I needed at this hour.
I receive my eleventh hour miracle in Jesus name.
You are a blessing to the nations indeed.
Glory to God!
God bless you ma.