What else can you do to effect change at this eleventh-hour of the year? The days are rolling by and the year is almost gone, with your expectations yet to materialize. Furthermore, your hope is dwindling away faster than you can build it. So, it’s time to give it another push. This post encourages you to engage a desperate cry to God, who specializes in doing wonders even in the dying minutes.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested– 1 Chronicles 4:9 (NKJV).
And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” – Genesis 32:26 (NKJV).
Truly, the year is fast approaching its end and you feel frustrated that you can’t slow it down or pause it for a while. All your steps seem not to add up, and you’re feeling like giving up and sitting down to watch the year roll by. I have additional step for you to take. This is engaging a desperate cry to the eleventh-hour God for a change.
What is a cry of desperation?
This is a cry from the heart, an action in despair when every other thing seems to have failed. Furthermore, it is a call for an urgent intervention from a person who is capable of rendering it. It’s not a mere loud outburst of words or shedding of tears and mourning, but a hopeful cry for change.
Cry to the Almighty God
Effective desperate cry is one directed to God. This is because human beings are grossly limited and satan never gives you anything with your good in mind. On the other hand, the Lord is the creator of the whole universe, and has the manual for successful life in it. So, He is the best authority to cry to. His thoughts towards man are for his good (Jeremiah 29:11) and His instructions are not grievous words (1 John 5:3).
Why a desperate cry to God now
You need an urgent and expectant change to your circumstance. At this point of your life you need divine intervention. This is supernatural intervention that supersedes the natural forces and can break protocols to grant you your desire. Therefore, you need God’s intervention.
Desperate cries that get to God move Him to act on your behalf swiftly. A desperate cry to Him, which is a cry of faith, expresses that the He is your only hope and that He can change the situation for you. This gets the Lord’s attention and provokes speedy answers to your prayers. Surely, this is what you need now.
There are many instances where people engaged desperate cries to God and received their heart desires from Him. Here, I will give only three examples and I believe they will spur you to do likewise.
Jacob (Genesis 32:22-29)
Jacob had been having rough times, first with his brother and then his father in-law. As a result, he got tired of it all and needed a change. One day, an opportunity to effect his desired change came. So, he held on strong to God in a battle, even though wounded, and God demanded that he lets Him go. But he desperately cried out, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” God obliged him and blessed him there, and his life turned around for good.
King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-6)
Isaiah, a notable prophet of God, told King Hezekiah that the Lord said he should put his house in order and prepare to die. The King knew that it was from the Lord, but he engaged a desperate cry to the eleventh-hour God for the decision to change. He wept bitterly, reminding God of things he had done for Him and the Lord heard him. So, while Isaiah was still within the court, God sent him back to pronounce 15 additional years to the days of the king.
Jabez (2 Chronicle 4:9-10)
Jabez needed a change in his life. He was causing pain as his name suggested and he didn’t want it anymore. Consequently, he desperately cried to God for blessings and freedom from the effects of his name on his life. God heard him and granted him his request.
My testimony
Recently, I took note of the power of a desperate cry to God. One day, we had power outage in my area and at that moment for some reasons I didn’t have any alternative to depend on. Unfortunately for me, someone was coming to my house who would need power supply for her activities. I didn’t want her to come and meet the power outage, so, I desperately cried to God for intervention. Interestingly, when she got to our gate, the electricity was restored. I was so excited and relieved.
It’s your turn to desperately cry to God. Other people desperately cried to the Lord and He granted them their requests. So, desperately bang on the door of heaven with faith and the door will open unto you. Also, ask and you will receive. This year will end well for you.
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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