February 10, 2025

5 thoughts on “God And Your Successful Profession

  1. One with God is majority and one trust in God can not be disappointed. When I was about going back to school for my first degree, I turned to the Lord and He aproved the idea with a promise to be with me. He has been faithful to His Name, I’ve lacked nothing, because He has been my provider. Anything committed into His hand will forever be secured. Praised the Lord Amen !

  2. Mom.
    Thanks once again for the encouragement. i want to take this opportunity coz I am where I am currently in my profession coz of God’s favor. My going for Degree in Bus. Admin. it was God coz he made my superiors that time to favor me. i recieved accelarated promotions in my work place. I was once a talk in the work place coz people became jeolous of my progression. As for me i knew that as a child of God I learned from scriptures about dilligence and integrity. i knew i was the head only and not the tail. i tithes and give and know that God watchec his word to confirm it. Today as I am sharing this i have received the letter to consider a transfer to go and head one Department. God is just marvelous. He said for my shame i shall receive double. i know this is just the beginning, the best is on the way. HALLELUYA!

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