How to save marriage has become a serious issue with couples today. In recent times, the rate of marriage failure has greatly increased. Many factors are attributed for this failure and many solutions are being offered but the main secret on how to save marriage is being ignored. The main secret is ones walk with God, the instituter of Marriage.

God initiated marriage in the first place with Adam and Eve and laid down rules and regulations on how to have joy and peace in your marriage. These rules and regulations are what couples find difficult to obey. I would not blame them because it is difficult to do so with the trend of the world, where some people are fighting for women liberation and the economy is forcing people to focus more on their career than their marriages and family.

However, how to save marriage is purely on God’s principles and for you to follow them you need to retrace your steps back to God. Your walk with God will reveal to you the areas of your marriage you need to address and God will give you the wisdom on how to address them.

Many times couples tend to blame one another for the problems they are facing but never considering that they may be the main cause of the problem. When you walk with God, He will always point out to you where you are going wrong and what to do to correct it. He speaks to us through our conscience and His word (the bible)

Some of the issues that cause problems in homes include lack of attention, communication breakdown, financial problems, pride etc. These are largely wisdom problems and can be dealt with when you apply the wisdom from God’s word. God’s wisdom is higher than man’s wisdom. Man’s wisdom is selfish but God’s wisdom is full of love.

It takes two people to fight. When you are walking with God, He will go ahead and touch your spouse and enable him or her to change his or her attitudes towards you and the problem. If the problem lingers, you will still have peace because you know that God is working it out for you. And with your prayers in line with God’s word, mixed with faith, you will surely save your marriage.

It is therefore very important that you get to know more about God, His principles for a successful marriage and obey them. God has designed marriage for you to enjoy and if yours is about to crash, He also has given us how to save marriage in His word. You are not to have anything short of joy and peace in your marriage, so take the step towards saving your marriage today.

How did your walk with God save your marriage? Please share your experience with other readers. Even if you have no experience, you can also comment on the post


Image @dreamstime by Teoteoteo