Do you desire to prosper in all things? It is the will of God that you prosper in all things and He has given us the wisdom on how to actualize this in our lives, which is to prosper first in our souls. This post aims at emphasizing the need to prosper in your soul if you desire to be prosperous in all things.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers – 3 John 2 (NKJV).

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you – Matthew 6:33 (NKJV).

God has no problem prospering His children; all He wants is for their souls to prosper. This is because the prosperity of your soul not only guarantees your blessings on earth but also eternal life in heaven, which is more important to God. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul? Furthermore, where your treasure is determines where your heart will be. What do you treasure most in life?

The level of our prosperity in all things is dependent on the level to which our souls prosper. You determine the speed and the extent to which you prosper in all things, including your health. Therefore, your prosperity is not determined in reality on the circumstances around you.

What does it mean for your soul to prosper?

Your soul prospers as you walk in the truth and in the love of God, as you walk in the knowledge of God’s word. The word of God is the lamp unto your feet and light unto your path (Psalm 119:105). It shows you where to step on and gives you a bright and clear view of the path you are treading on. You can’t miss it following the word of God. Your soul comprises your will, intellect and emotions; how much these align with the word of God determine the extent to which your soul prospers.

How to prosper your soul and how it affects your all round prosperity

1. Study the word of God (2 Timothy 2:15)

The bible (word of God) is the manual for a successful living on earth. Studying the word of God gives you the wisdom keys for success in life. It gives you access to the creator’s mindset that helps you not to tow the wrong path. It reveals your own success path and teaches you how to maintain and increase your success stories. Studying the word of God is rubbing minds with the only wise God. It shows you how to prosper in all things including your health.

2. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Prayer is a two-way communication with your maker. You talk and listen to Him, and He talks and listens to you. It is spending time with the Almighty God. As you do so, His nature rubs off on you. You tend to think, talk and act like Him, as such prospering your soul. As your soul prospers, everything that is possible with God becomes possible with you because your faith in God increases.

3. Seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)

This is to put God first in all you do; it is to make your soul (will, intellect and emotion) God-centered. Making the things of the Lord a priority in your life makes Him to put you and all that concerns you on His priority list. Seeking first the kingdom of God causes every other thing to be added unto you. You seek the kingdom of God first through soul winning, serving in the house of God, giving for the spread of the gospel of Christ, showing the love of Christ by giving to the poor and helping the needy, etc.

4. Walk in love (Ephesians 5:2, Romans 12:21)

Love is of God for God is love. Therefore walking in love is walking in God. Your soul prospers as you walk in love towards God and man, you will not sin against God or your fellow-man. Walking in love attracts the goodness of the Lord to you and repels the works of the enemy. The devil can’t survive where there is love and so can’t operate against you.

In conclusion, prosperity is God’s will for you but for you to enjoy it in full, your soul must prosper accordingly. Therefore focus more on prospering your soul and you will see that you will effortlessly prosper in all things.

Jesus is Lord!

Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.

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Image by church Iglesia