What is wisdom to you? Do you walk in it? An understanding of the meaning of a thing makes it possible for you to assess your usage and development of it. Wisdom is the principal thing in life and so should be consciously acquired and used. This post explains what wisdom is.
And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding – Job 28:28 (NKJV).
Wisdom is the solution to your challenge, but if you don’t know what wisdom is how will you identify one when you see or hear it? Therefore, it is important to know what it is.
What Is Wisdom?
According to Cambridge dictionary, it is the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments. As such, it is the correct application of knowledge and experience acquired.
Dr David Oyedepo defines it as, “knowing what to do and doing it, knowing what to say and saying it, and knowing where to go and going there.”
Therefore, it is not enough to know what to say or do, or where to go, it is important that you say or do it, or go there otherwise it is not wisdom. You must apply the knowledge for it to be wisdom.
Furthermore, the fear of the Lord is wisdom (Job 28:28). Having the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). This is where to start if you want to build up this virtue in you. The application of wisdom is here on earth and God is the creator of the earth. No action contrary to His principles will be regarded as wisdom by Him.
In addition, wisdom is the act of obeying God (Matthew 7:24). Hearing and doing the words of the Lord makes you a wise man. This likens you to a wise man who built his house on a rock and when challenges of all kinds came, the house remained standing because it was founded on a rock (Matthew 7:25). Wisdom is to know what God says concerning an issue and doing it.
Types of wisdom
There are all kinds of knowledge available leading to different kinds of wisdom. The root or source of the knowledge determines the type of wisdom that will be manifested. According to James 3:15-18, there are four types of wisdom:
1. Earthly wisdom
This is the common sense wisdom. It is natural and you just acquire it by reason of being a human being living among other human beings. It is not difficult and it costs nothing to acquire it. For example, every baby knows that if you want to eat anything, you must put it in your mouth. This is earthly wisdom.
2. Sensual wisdom
This is also called intellectual wisdom. This is the type of wisdom you acquire through education either formally or informally. Most times, it costs you money to acquire this wisdom and is limited to the field of knowledge engaged.
3. Demonic wisdom
This is from the devil. It is centered on envy and self-seeking, which leads to confusion and every evil thing. Through this wisdom, the enemy carries out his three main missions on earth: to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Anyone who applies this wisdom becomes a tool in the devil’s hands for his mission on earth.
4. Divine wisdom
This is heavenly, from the Lord and has His attributes. It is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and hypocrisy. It has its foundation on the word of God. The Almighty Father gives it to anyone who asks Him freely and without reproach (James 1:5). This is the best wisdom; it is the wisdom of God, durable and eternal. Your focus should be on this divine wisdom.
In conclusion, wisdom is having knowledge about certain things and correctly applying them. However, the outcome you get is determined by the type of wisdom applied. Divine wisdom is the highest and is highly recommended because it’s from God, gives you the best and adds no sorrow with it. Therefore go for divine wisdom today and have your life changed for the better.
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Sharon Tate Soberon
Thanks so much – I reposted this – always appreciate your Biblically grounded thoughts and writings!!
Glory to God!
Thanks a lot Marijo.
God bless you.