I will like to share an earlier post with you today. For it’s still very relevant at this time. God bless you as you read this.
What can keep you from entering the rest of God? Will you allow it? There remains a rest for all who will endure till the end. The prize for enduring till the end is great so also the consequence of not enduring till the end. Interestingly, what you get at the end is YOUR choice. This post stresses the heart of unbelief as what will hinder you from entering the rest of God and encourages you to beware of the evil heart of unbelief.
Therefore I was angry with that generation, and said, ‘They always go astray in their heart, and they have not known My ways.’ So I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest.’ Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God… So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief – Hebrews 3:10-19 (NKJV).
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life – John 3:16 (NKJV).
The Truth
God is preparing a place for all who believe in His son, who walk, not according to the dictates of this world, but according to God’s principles (Romans 8:1,5). The main principle being that you should not harbour unbelief in your heart, God calls it ‘evil’! It is evil to doubt God’s words for your everyday life, not to believe in His Son, or not to believe that what He said is what will happen.
Whenever you hear God’s voice while reading the scriptures, listening to preachers and teachers, and testimonies, or watching Christian movies, the Lord admonishes that you should not harden your heart and have an evil heart of unbelief. You are to believe that it is God speaking to you (1 Thessalonians 2:13) and applying it immediately in your life. You are not to reason out how it could be or how it will happen (Proverbs 3:5-7), that is not your part to do or your responsibility. Your part is to believe it till the end, finish.
What To Do
Hold unto God’s word till the end, He never fails. You can never do better than God even if you tried, you will only compound your problems or issues by being wise in your own eyes. Let go and let God. In Job 14:14, Job said he would wait till his change comes. Did his change come? Surely it did. He refused to sin against God and God changed his story and his latter end was better than his former.
Also, in Daniel 3, the three Hebrew boys held unto God to deliver them till the end and God delivered them. They were ready to believe God till the end even if it meant them dying; that is the attitude God wants you to have – truly believing God to the end even if it will cost you your life, not having any atom of doubt in your heart.
People err in their hearts because God’s words are inadequate in their hearts and so sin deceives them and breeds unbelief in them. You keep unbelief far from you by loading yourself with God’s words and obeying them. You are to do exactly what God says you should do, not adding or subtracting anything. As Mary instructed the servants, ‘whatever He tells you to do, do it’. The servants obeyed. They filled the pot with water, and drew from the same pot, and gave the master of ceremony, asking no questions. In obedience to the Lord’s instructions (which was ‘un-think of’ in the minds of men), the servants witnessed a miracle (John 2:1-11)!
there is eternal rest prepared for you, but you are the one who decides whether to enter or not. Heeding to God’s words (no matter the issue) will get you into this rest. Decide today to follow Christ like a sheep, questioning nothing, beware of the evil heart of unbelief and you will see the glory of God upon your life.
Prayer – May God help you to keep unbelief far from your heart in Jesus name.
Jesus is Lord!
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Puritan prayer
Indeed without faith, its impossible to please God. Thanx Ngozi
Glory to God!
Thanks Alex for your comment.
God has been a faithful God to me and my family over the years. He has worked many miracles in our lives. I need you to help me to pray that I will continue to look to Jesus and trust Him to fight all my battles.
Thank you Sandria for sharing your testimony with us.
God who has been helping you will continue to help you
till the end in Jesusu name.
Very insightful.
Glory to God!
Good to hear from you Isaac.
God bless you.
i have unbelief after being touched by GOD. i can’t seem to escape it. i’m scared. i need help. is there hope. there has to be hope
Surely, there is hope Tony.
Jesus set you free from the spirit of fear the day you gave your life to Jesus.
I encourage you to spend more time in God’s word and fear will never come near you again.
God’s word will reveal your victory in Christ over fear.
God bless you
I have decided to go with JESUS any length no matter the challenges. Oh LORD help me to accomplish this decision. AMEN.
May God empower you to stand for Him till the day of the Lord in Jesus name.
God bless you, Musa.