January 24, 2025

7 thoughts on “Challenges In Marriage With Unbelieving Spouse

  1. This so true, God says my grace is sufficient. He won’t allow us to be tempted beyond what we can overcome. He knows he has given us the ability.

    Please allow me to share this story I read somewhere:

    A certain man went out on a journey with his daughter, suddenly a storm arose such that visibility was difficult on the high way. Lots of cars pulled off coz of poor visibility. After passing a number of cars on the roadside, the daughter decided to pull off as well to which the father objected and urged her to drive on. Grudgingly she continued to drive on and on until they were past the storm and were in the clear, then the father ask her to pull off the road and take a rest & enjoy the cool air. She couldn’t believe it but all the same she obeyed. He said see my child, all those who stopped along the way have not made it to where you are right now. So nomatter how raging the storm may be, NEVER GIVE UP! Be blessed

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