Today I want to share a word from one of my mentors, Pastor Faith Oyedepo. Enjoy and be blessed.
No matter how beautiful or sophisticated an automobile is, it will never be in motion unless it is fueled. Cars were built to run on fuel, and until that is done nothing else will make them function normally. The engine will not even start, talk less of moving; every one knows that. What every one does not know however is that in life, in order to advance meaningfully, there is a need to fuel your passion. That is the focus of my teaching today.
Everybody was born with a passion for one thing or the other. Unfortunately, many people are yet to discover in full their area of passion but that notwithstanding, they still do have latent passion for something waiting to be discovered.
What is passion?
Passion is defined as the object of somebody’s intense interest or enthusiasm. This talks about what touches or moves you to the very core of your being. It is what you always act on or react to every single time you are confronted with it. Passion is what drives you; it is what you will do even without remuneration! And it is a pointer to where your fulfillment lies in life. If you are yet to discover yours, ask God to show you what it is, do some soul searching as well to see what elicits the greatest fervor in you and trust God to help you turn your passion into reality.
Jesus was the epitome of passion. He displayed his passion towards the house of God, underscoring His assignment of establishing God’s kingdom on earth and purging the temple (both physically and spiritually) of all forms of uncleanness.
“And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.
And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.” (John 2:16 -17 )
As potent as passion is however, it needs to be fueled in order to produce. Many people do have a passion alright, but are not able to bring it to fruition because their passion is not being fueled.
One of the advantages of the single years is that you have the time to invest into your future by virtue of the absence of family encumbrances and commitments. So do not allow this phase of your life to end without discovering and setting your passion loose for a proper foundation for the future.
How Do You Fuel Your Passion?
Zig Ziglar said “Passion will die without constant inspiration”. How true! Inspiration is what you need as fuel to put your passion in motion. You must be constantly inspired on what you need to do in order to fulfill that burning desire and bring it to reality. Inspiration simply means divine insight or stimulation.
“But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding” (Job 32:8)
Source of Inspiration
The main source of inspiration is God. He is the author and finisher of all great exploits that are seen on earth today. He is the originator of great ideas. You must therefore recognize Him as such and ask for His inspiration in order to make your passion produce. Unbroken fellowship with Him and constant study of the word of God will quicken your mind to receive from Him in this regard. So maintain a close walk with God so as to be on line to be inspired by Him at all times.
A case in point is my husband Bishop David Oyedepo’s whose passion has always been to see that colour and financial dignity are added to Christians’ lives. In his single days he saw how Christians and churches were living in abject poverty. The common adage then was “as poor as a church rat,” because poverty was the identity of those serving God. But he knew that it was not supposed to be so and through constant fellowship with God, God inspired him to ‘raise me a people’.
All that was needed to raise these people of dignity was given to him. Today, that passion has yielded fruit and continues to yield, as evidenced by countless destinies that have been transformed by the Lord through his servant. There is colour everywhere to the glory of God. This burning desire was fueled by inspiration from God. It is time to awaken to your responsibility of fueling your passion via the inspiration of the almighty.
To be inspired by God however, you need to be on His team. You cannot have God’s ears unless you have a living, personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. That is the foundation of divine inspiration. If you would like to have this experience called the new birth, pray this prayer to God in faith: Lord Jesus I come to you today, I realize that I am a sinner in need of your mercy. Forgive and cleanse me from my sins, write my name in the book of life and let your glory be revealed in my life. From now on, I open up for your divine inspiration that will turn my passion loose. Thank you lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen. Congratulations! You are now born again; welcome to a new beginning in your journey of life.
Are you fueling your passion?
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Image from Faith (Youths and singles section)
very Powerful, i hv learnt that my passion means nothin if i do not fuel it, from now on i will always make sure that the fuel tank is always full. May God richly bless you mummy
May He bless Pastor Faith Oyedepo greatly too. God bless you Tabona
very poweerful n timely
Glory to God!
its touching and God leading
need God spiritual fueling
Praise God!
May God fuel you afresh in Jesus name.
God bless you Ameh.