February 16, 2025

134 thoughts on “How to Pray Effectively and Get Results Now

  1. This is a nice little step by step class on praying effectively but there are a few very important things missing.

    For example, it would have been good if the need to “be strong in the Lord and the power of His might and wear the whole armour of God” had been brought in there somewhere as an essential precursor for “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” Ephesians 6:10 – 19. We do need to fully acknowledge the spiritual battle that is often involved in prayer that gets results.

    A couple of other things missing are 1) praying in the Spirit in the sense of looking to the Spirit for His intercession and guidance in our prayer petitions (Rom.8:26-2) and 2) praying with real earnest fervency (James 5:16b). We do need to recognise the essential role of the Holy Spirit in our prayers becoming effective prayers.

    Praying in the Name of Jesus also hasn’t found it’s way into the steps yet.

    It’s a good start though and should help many on the way to seeing more of their prayers answered.

  2. God bless you so good. It is so inspiring. May our God futher open the eyes of ur understanding….pst lanre

  3. Although, I enjoyed reading this post, I am concerned with the following statement in the post in step 1:

    “God says in 3 John 2 that He wishes above all things that we prosper and be health, even as our souls prosper.”

    This is not correct. God did not “say” that in 3 John 2. The Apostle John wrote this short epistle (letter) of inspiration and support to Gaius, an exemplary follower (maybe even minister) of the Christian church. The words in 3 John 2 denote John’s satisfaction with Gaius’ “walk”. Other Christians of the church spoke of Gaius and his obedience to the fundamentals of the faith (see verse 3, “For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth.”)

    This epistle was John’s letter specifically written to Gaius to keep him lifted up and to let him know that his faithfulness and obedience were appreciated by the Apostle John.

    I pray your continued strength in the Word of God. Thank you for your post on prayer…we need it.

    God bless.

    1. Hello Desiree. Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, the letter was written to Gaius by Apostle John. Also note that 2 timothy 3:16 tells us that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” So, like other epistles in the New Testament which are also letters to people, I believe 3 John 2 is God speaking to us.

      God bless you

      1. The whole bible is referred to as the word of God so he is not wrong to say God says he wishes above all things for his people to prosper and be in health.That is God’s will for his people.Whether it is Paul that said it , it was written by the inspiration of the holy spirit, the second person in the trinity.So he is in order please.

  4. Hello Ngozi,
    I just wanted to thank you for your post, it was exactly what I was looking for. I started following the steps you had laid out for prayer…and I had 2 specific prayers answered this week! Thank you!
    God Bless and keep on teaching!

    1. Hello Tiffany.
      I am very happy to read your testimony. I give God praise.
      It is really encouraging to know that the post helped you to get your answers.
      I pray that God will answer the rest of your prayer requests speedily in Jesus name.

      God bless you.

  5. Thanx for sharing! Let ore dew of Divine blessings from Heaven settle on your life irresistibly in Christ Jesus. I am going into a prayer that must be answered. I have been well encouraged by two of your posts on this blog. I’m using this opp to ask all here to unite with me on this intention: i want to have a living relationship with the Living God characterized by a clarity of communication with Him. Then, let me share one scripture that helps me stay more focused @ prayer: Psalm 94:9 “… he who planted the ear, can’t he hear? He who made the eye, can’t he see?” it gives me logic strong enough to be certain God has hearing ability & consciousness, and so hears me. Thank you.

  6. God bless you for the post. It is a helpful teaching. May the oil of God continue to flow in your life for more exploit in Jesus Christ in name.

  7. thanks for being a blessing to me, may the good lord continue to iincrease you, in Jesus precious name, Amen…

  8. So wonderful and inspiring. Thanks be to God for this ur teachings. Thank you too. Keep it up. Frank O. Frank

  9. Good piece, encouraging and helpful to any that will really want to pray. The Spirit will always fill in any gap that is missing none can ever be complete and none is incomplete when the Spirit is leading any one in the place of prayer. God bless your input.


  11. This is a nice write up. I believe it will help me a lot because I really wish to be close to God. May God bless your ministry.

  12. I was really blessed by your post,and also I want to add a little to what has already been.
    Hebrews 11 vs 1,Now faith is the substance of thing hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. In other to have 100% effectiveness in prayers,faith is required inrespective of the sence knowledge which always wants to see results before believing that his prayers where answered. 2 Corinthians 5 vs 7 for we work by faith and not by sight. faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of GOD (Romans 10 vs 17) and as we can see in the bible that the word of the lord is sharper than any two aged sword piersing even to the dividing asonder of the soul and spirit,and of the joint and marrow and is a diserner of the thoughts and intent of the hearth.
    Note: Your faith makes your hearth get focused,Proverb 4 vs 23 Keep your hearth with all deligence for out of if flows the issues of life,remembering that GOD is a rewarder of them that deligently seek him, deligency is one of the attribute of humbleness for he resists the proud and giveth grace to the humble. In otherwords FIATH,DELIGENCY,HUMBLENESS works a lot when It comes to prayers

  13. I give thanks to the Almighty God for working through people of valor like you, and thank you for the insightful, inspiring and spiritual words from God’s own spirit and footsteps. May God surely bless and replenish your source. Amen

  14. Dear Sis,

    Thanks for sharing, it is a start on how to pray effectively to get results and as we continue to pray we will be guided by the Holy Spirit. I pray that God will continue to bless you with spiritual wisdom and understanding. God Bless!


  15. Thank you Ngozi for these steps to effective prayers which i have always adhered to every time i pray.
    The challenge for me is delay in prayer answers, do have any idea of steps to take to quicken prayer answers.
    Thank you and God bless you abundantly.

    1. Chexy, Hebrews 10:36 says that we have need of patience, so that after we done the will of God, we might obtain the promise.
      Have patience and faith in God, and trust that all things will work out for your good. Delay is not denial. If you believe, know that God is working it out for you, to manifest it at the right time.
      Receive grace to wait on God. Though it tarry, wait for it, for it must surely come to pass (Habakkuk 2:1-3).

      At this time too, engage a praise-full life. Praise draws God into our affairs (Psalm 22:3, Psalm 67:5-7).

      I look forward to hearing your testimony

      God bless you.

  16. am so happy that now i can pray. I know that GOD will hear me. Thank u for this wonderful step. By the grace of I will testify next week in Jesus name

  17. Quite simple and straight forward approach suitable for upcoming Christians like me.Am really blessed and I pray that the lord will continue to give you much revelation in His word so that you could help people like me.

  18. This is wonderful. I Thank God for directing me to you and this website when seeking For answers. I pray for my family all the time, now I will be praying the proper way with spiritual guidance and wisdom. I have faith, trust and a better understanding. I will be praying effectively and preparing my prayers for my family and my self. Thank you so much, I look forward to the future postings and spiritual guidance. Blessings

  19. God bless u for dis post. People like me have been lukin for someone like u who will inspire dem positively. I pray dat God in his infinite goodness shower u with wisdom to understand his word ad help people like me. Good post.

  20. I am indeed blessed by this article. Though it was written a long time ago, but the words of God never expires, they are new everyday. I pray for more of God’s grace upon you and may you continue to wax stronger in the Lord. I will come next week by faith to testify to answered prayers in Jesus name

    1. Hallelujah!
      God shall indeed cause you to testify in Jesus name.
      We are waiting for your testimony Idowu.
      God bless you.

  21. I’m really inspired now. I believe that The words of God that u have shared here will better my praying life. Thank u and God bless

  22. Thanks for sharing this steps with me. I pray and nothing happens… I will pray according to the steps that you share with me and I believe God will answer my prayers now…

    1. Glory to God.
      I believe too that God will answer you, Gary.
      I am expecting your testimonies.
      God bless you.

  23. Thank u and may God bless you i feel my spirit bng shifted to another level.I have bn doubting so mch I felt hopeless but now I feel a steer in my life evr since I read this.may God monumentally bless yu.

    1. Praise God!
      Thanks Carlton for your comment.
      May God continue to uplift you spiritually in Jesus name.
      God bless you too.

  24. Through your explanation,I discovered the wonders of God in my life and how great He is. I thank God for His continued love to living organisms. May He continue to forgive us our sins.

  25. I thank God for ur life, and for making u a blessing to this my generation. “to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forever more!
    my sister, truly, u re blessed. I pray: more grace, more anointing in Jesus name. ur garment will ever remain clean and heaven at last.

    I’m a Living testimony to ur write up. I was in HIV/AIDS, seminar class in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. When we were about to go on break, the teacher gave us one strategic question and he said after break, whoever gets the answer will receive a price. I have never heard that particular question in my entire life. I did a simple pray: Lord I want to answer this question. I told my classmates, I will answer this question, when we’re back. I kept on telling them while we were eating. They even thought, I knew the answer. After the break, we went back to the class, and up-to that moment, I didn’t know what the answer was. One of us raised his hand and he didn’t get the answer and all of them were looking at me. I put up my hand and said some words, and to tell how God works, that was the answer. That is how I know, confessing ur victory after prayer with hope, really moves God to answer quickly.

    1. Wow!Glory to God!
      Thanks Danjuma for sharing this testimony with us here, a practical example.
      May you continue to get great results from God in Jesus name.
      God bless you.

    2. Thank u so much bro danjuma your testimony has moved me.I will put this step of declaring my victory after praying to work,if it worked for you then it sure will work for me.God bless u pastor for opening my eyes .

  26. well i have been praying for my daughter to be healed, I would ask any prayer warriors out there to pray also for this if you feel inclined. These steps are very helpful. I have known God inhabits praise for some years but have not issued this in my prayers, thanks.

    1. Lord, in the name of Jesus, let the healing power of God heal her speedily.
      It is well with her in Jesus name.
      God bless you Tonya.
      We look forward to hearing your testimony.

    1. Hallelujah!
      It is done already. I’m waiting to hear your testimony.
      Congratulations Fortune and thanks for your comment.
      God bless you.

  27. This has helped me. I’m trying so hard to believe in my savior. Years ago I faithfully prayed for my husband and I. And it did get answered. Now I pray so hard for my son and what our family is going through. But my prayers go I unanswered.

    1. Praise God!
      I thank God for speaking to you Debbra through this post.
      I pray that God will answer you speedily in Jesus name.
      God bless you.

  28. I enjoyed this write up. I know that God has answered my prayers. I hear God’s voice telling me that He has done it in my life. May God continue to bless you.

    For everyone still waiting on God, have faith and believe in Him. Whenever you are in doubt, just pick up your bible or think about a time God answered your prayers. If He has done it before, He will do it again.

  29. I’m believing God for children, health, marriage, houses, cars and mega business connection. I know He will do it. He said ask and it shall be given to me. I’m the next to testify. Amen

  30. Thank you so much for this write up, it’s encouraging.
    I am believing God for supernatural help, total liberation from the hands of the enemies. New wave of victory. God’s mercy, favour and grace.

  31. Thank you for showing these step of praying. I will continue with the prayer and I believe that God will answer my prayer in Jesus name AMEN.

  32. Hi, thanks for your write up.
    Actually, I think God doesn’t care what is your religion. I prayed a lot and I had seen the results.
    Just pray
    God is in broken hearts.

    1. Hello Hossein.
      Thanks for your comment.
      However, you need to know that God is God over everyone and
      so shows mercy to whom He chooses to show mercy to. Receive Christ
      and you will receive showers and not drops of God’s blessings.
      God bless you.

  33. Thank you so much for changing my mentality and showing me the right way to pray and get effective results

  34. This has been a blessing to me and my family.

    Grateful indeed for all the effort to make this become available for us readers.

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