Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better.
Verse 1
Christ went everywhere preaching the gospel. We should not be ashamed to do so too.
Verse 2-3
Christ had people who ministered to Him. We should do likewise to our ministers.
Verse 12
Pray for yourself and other people that God will preserve what you hear and that the enemy will not steal them from you.
Verse 13
Pray for people to be rooted and grounded in the word so that they will not fall into temptation
Verse 14
Pray that people be kingdom-minded and not carnally minded, including you.
Verse 15
Pray that the hearts of Christians be good and honest hearts and that with patience they may yield their fruits.
Verse 16
You don’t grow in the Lord for yourself. There are people attached to your destiny, for many need your light to see and take steps forward.
Verse 17
Surely, the truth is that nothing remains a secret forever; every secret will be made known at its due time.
Verse 18
Take heed of how you hear. So ensure God’s word is rooted in you for it to bear fruit.
Verse 21
It’s not so much about what you know about Christ, it’s what you do with the word.
Verse 24-25
Here Christ got up and rebuked the wind and it became calm. Truly, everything has ears and it hears and obeys Christ. So, exercise your faith in the name of Jesus.
Verse 28
Demons know Christ and they fear Him.
Verse 35-39
The people of the city must have done many things to hold down the man to no avail. So, seeing him calm and with clothes, they yielded to fear. Unfortunately, they allowed this fear to stop them from getting more blessings. However, Christ sent the ‘delivered man’ to go and testify to the people. So that his testimony can still draw people to God since they didn’t allow Christ to spend some time in their city.
Verse 40
While some people rejected Christ, others gladly welcomed Him. And this is still the case today. Therefore, don’t get discouraged when people reject you, preaching Christ. There are yet many who will gladly hear you and receive Christ.
Verse 43-48
There is no case difficult for our God. So, touch Christ in faith and it will be settled. For your faith in Christ will always make you whole. Again, empty touches will yield nothing. So, it’s not enough to always be in church, you must connect with faith and with your heart; otherwise, no service will benefit you.
Verse 50
Fear and faith don’t work together, so choose to build your faith.
Verse 52-56
Put away unbelief around you so that it won’t rub off on you. In addition, only say what you want to see or have and not what you have that you don’t want to have or see.
Jesus is Lord
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God bless you.
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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