Please, do watch the video to listen to the reading of the chapter to understand better.

Verse 1-5

Except you repent, you will perish. God forbid, but it’s as simple as that.

Verse 6-9

God expects fruits from us: the souls we’ve won to Christ, lives we have saved by being like Christ, etc.  So, we need to bear fruit to avoid being cut off from the family of God.

Verse 10-17

It’s good to do good any day of the week. And God is ever ready to set us free from the hands of the enemy any day of the week. This He will do no matter what people say. So go to Him in faith.

Verse 18-21

The kingdom of God is the lifestyle of God, Lordship of God, and will of God. And no matter how little or hidden it may be, it has great potential to affect everyone around it. For instance, when you preach the gospel of Christ to a community with signs and wonders, light from God’s word will drive the darkness away from that community.

Verse 22-33

Strive, not casually, and make a great effort to achieve or enter the kingdom of God. This is because many will seek to enter but won’t be able to do so. Also, know that going to church and serving in the church is not enough, you must keep away from sin. So, be careful not to miss heaven, for how long you are a believer doesn’t count with God. What counts is your right standing with Him.

Verse 34-35

Truly, we must accept Christ to see and stay with Him on the last day.


Jesus is Lord

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God bless you.

Ngozi Nwoke

Grace and peace of God be unto you.

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