Christmas life

Hi, Jesus loves you

Christmas celebration is the celebration of God’s gift of life to humanity. It is the celebration of God’s love for man. An understanding of the essence of Christmas gives you access to the Lord’s abundance of life. Embracing it is to embrace the Master’s victory over darkness. This post enlightens you on the reason for Christmas.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16, NKJV)

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life (1 John 5:11-12, NKJV)

Jesus Christ is the Lord’s gift of life. He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), and whoever receives Him receives the way, truth and life.

He is a value-added personality to anyone who receives Him. He is the Prince of peace and giver of peace (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:27). He has come to give you life in abundance (John 10:10)

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and the birth of all that He came to give us. The enemy comes to steal, kill and to destroy but Christ comes to give you life and to give it to you in abundance. Wherever, Jesus appears, life appears. Jesus makes all the difference!

Christmas day is the day of thanksgiving unto God, who has made way for man’s redemption and victory over the enemy. God’s abundant and eternal life is in Christ. And if you are a believing Christian, it is a time to celebrate your salvation in Christ, for having Christ is the assurance of eternal life with God the Father.

Christmas celebration is also the celebration of God’s love for you. No matter what you may be going through, it reminds you of the Father’s love for you. For if He did not spare His only son but gave Him up for you and I, then there is nothing He will not give you, including what you need now (Romans 8:32)

Therefore, rejoice for the Saviour is born and He is alive forever more that you may live. Celebrate for your victory is sure in Christ. If the enemy could not stop the birth of Jesus, he can’t stop the birth of your victory; only believe in God and the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Hallelujah! This is your season! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Ngozi Nwoke

Grace and peace of God be unto you.


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Image by Tito & Eva Marie Balangue