Hi, Jesus loves you.
God has been faithful throughout this year as He has always been. By the grace of God I have published my first eBook called “Peace Money Can’t Buy“. Praise God! I believe it will be a blessing to you as it is to me.
It is a description of peace that is freely given though the world struggles to experience it. It enlightens you of the peace freely given, though sleep eludes many.
If it is your heart desire to have peace even in the midst of storms or the cry of your inner being to have all round peace, challenges notwithstanding, then, you need to read this eBook.
Peace Money Can’t Buy shares the possibility of having this kind of peace. The valuable lessons contained in this book are guaranteed to restore hope if you feel hopeless and to direct you to the source of eternal peace that transforms your life.
It empowers you to take charge of your life and not allow circumstances and situations dictate your heart pulse. Also, this book will inspire you, put a smile on your face; cast off all fears; cause you to stand as a victor and not a victim; and make you a peacemaker.
In this book, you will learn among other things:
• The source of this peace
• How to access it
• How to maintain it
The Prince of Peace desires to give you this peace that passes all understanding and Peace Money Can’t Buy will open you up to receive this free gift of God.
To get your own copy CLICK HERE
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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