Have you ever wondered how to boost your faith? Faith is the universal currency for any transaction from heaven. Therefore you need to constantly boost up your faith in order to consistently receive anything from God. And Testimony is one important faith booster you must not neglect. This article explains the power of testimonies in getting your desires from the Lord.
Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” – 1 Samuel 17:37 (NKJV)
Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power: The day when He redeemed them from the enemy, When He worked His signs in Egypt, And His wonders in the field of Zoan; – Psalm 78:41-43 (NKJV)
Testimonies are powerful faith boosters. When you recall what God did for you in the past and how He did it, your faith will be enhanced. Past testimonies when brought to the present situation, belittles the present challenge. It makes any seeming insurmountable problem surmountable.
Testimonies take your focus off the challenge unto God who is able to solve the challenge. It magnifies God and His abilities and your faith that God can solve your problem comes alive. Automatically, your anxious countenance turns to smiles; the energy you used for worrying or crying is redirected to believing God for His intervention.
Also, your testimonies move God to action. They are a form of praise to God and God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). When you don’t remember the deeds of God in your life you limit Him and hinder Him from manifesting His power in your life (Psalm 78:41-43)
Now, not only do you boost your faith by recalling the deeds of God in your own life, you also boost your faith by listening to other people’s testimonies. They make you think that if God did it for that person He will also do it for you. Testimonies reproduce themselves in the lives of others when received in faith.
David understood the power of testimonies and He never failed to use them. The Psalms He wrote are full of testimonies of God’s divine interventions, and how he believed that God would yet intervene on his behalf.
When David was faced with the challenge of defeating Goliath, he used testimonies to build up his faith. He recalled how God delivered him from the hands of a bear and a lion. And he declared to the hearing of King Saul and all present that God, who delivered him from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, would deliver him from the hand of Goliath. And God did it!
Also, when I was expecting God to give me a child of my own; my own testimonies, the testimonies I read from the bible and Christian books, and the testimonies I heard from other people built up my faith. These testimonies kept me till I had my own child.
I saw that no woman died childless in the bible, except Michal (King Saul’s daughter) whom God cursed because she mocked David for dancing unto God before his servants (2 Samuel 6:20-23). Furthermore, the testimonies of Abraham and Sarah were written for me (Romans 4:17-21). I saw that indeed that there is no impossibility with God (Luke 1:37)
I also heard of a woman who had a child without having a womb! I heard of a woman who gave birth at 60-years and many other testimonies. Again, I remembered the acts of God in my own life. When I considered all these testimonies I knew that my case was a walk-over for God and that His word concerning fruitfulness would surely be fulfilled in my life, and He did it. Praise God!
In conclusion, testimonies are powerful tools for boosting your faith. When you engage them you engage another testimony to be realized.
How has testimony built your faith?
Ngozi Nwoke
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Am greatly encouraged by this faith enhancing write-up.
Thanks Dave for your comment.
Thanks for this great article,
When I also had this revelation on the power of testimony. I called out those in front those who said they have experienced changes after putting God’s word to work, and after being prayed for,
two women said a testimony on how when they were prayed for, they saw angels appear to them and others gave testimony on financial openings.
Every time after a testimony I use words like, this same Jesus who did this for this one can do it for you, now if you need such a thing come forward and I will pray for you. I remember many others began to experience the move of Angel’s in the meeting and some saw Angels.
Among those who testified about financial breakthrough the following day was a woman who went to do her business, (she had wanted a shop for a long time) and that day she testified that another shop was given to her that early morning, even though she was new in that place. Old members complained, why the management had to give a new person when old ones had applied for it before. Surely there is power in testimonies. We now conduct Worship and Miracle testimonies service, to cause others to receive also.
Blessed be the Lord sister.
Praise God!!
Thanks Isaiah for this wonderful contribution.
God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.
Thanks beloved sister, may the good God bless you more with unlimited insight. Testimony is the secret to rapid church growth.
Praise God!
Thanks Prosper for your prayers and comment.
God bless you.
Hi, when a close relative died I was devastated. I vaguely believed in God so I did pray for help, then I went to an anonymous local Church service & suddenly felt freed from the disabling hysteria & filled with Peace, like a switch had been flicked. I could sleep & eat again, not forgetting the pain but no longer crushed by it.That experience gave me great Faith & a thirst for Christian teaching & NDE reports of Heaven, I’m wary of religion but definitely believe in & follow God /Jesus, life is better for it, & far more hopeful.
Praise God!
Thanks Amy for sharing your testimony with us here.
God is awesome! Pls accept our condolences. I believe that God who comforted you will use your testimony to comfort others.
May God continue to show Himself faithful to you in Jesus name.
Remain ever blessed.
Thanks for this loaded message of faith. God bless you ma
thanks Esther for your comment.
God bless you.
Thanks For This Piece, Am Encouraged. I’m richly blessed by this piece of writing. It touched my area of concern. I pray I will have a testimony to share.
Glory to God!
Thanks Effiong for your comment.
I’m encouraged by your comment too and
I pray that you will a testimony soon.
God bless you.
More grace to you woman of testimonies & may you not run dry of His oil in Jesus name!
Thank you Evangelist Elvis for your prayer.
May God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.