February 9, 2025

294 thoughts on “Understanding The Power In The Name Of Jesus

  1. This is great! There is power in the name of Jesus. It is my prayer that people will know the difference between gathering IN His name and gathering WITH His name. This was the mistake made by sons of Sceva.

          1. Praise God this were the word Of the day for me. So very encouraging I am applying all I read. Thank God for you.

          2. Very powerful truth, thank God for Jesus and for you making people aware of the power available to us as believers in Christ Jesus! Jesus wants us to walk in our God given authority and use His name to do good and bring Glory to the Father!!! Love you!

          3. Very inspiring, The name of Jesus is really a strong tower. Am blessed. May God continue to increase your wisdom in Jesus name Amen

        1. This is a beautiful write up
          Something dropped in me this afternoon/evening about the name of Jesus and so I’m doing some gathering of relevant information to take in about the name of Jesus.
          Came across this via Google search and I must say I was blessed reading it. It is simple and easy to understand.
          Thank God and thank you for this.

      1. Thank you for sharing. I love how you give the scripture with an explanation. Very helpful. Barbara Buchanan Woodson

    1. I am bless with this message and will share with others. God bless you and give you the strength and encouragement to continued.

    2. When God called me into His service He asked me to choose between Him and the world; between righteousness and sin; and between life and death. Jesus came in person to visit me, and I told Him I choose Him, righteousness, and life. He said unto me, “Preach the Gospel in the name of Jesus.” Amen.

      1. Glory to Jesus!
        There is power in His name.
        Thanks Rev Alfredo for sharing this.
        May God bless you and your ministry greatly in Jesus name.

        1. Wonderful! May GOD increase your wisdom and grant you heavenly knowledge and grace to live long for the will of GOD in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST

    1. Praise God! Thanks Destiny for your comment and
      I pray that your faith will grow stronger and stronger in Jesus name.
      God bless you

  2. I am blessed. And well informed of the name of Jesus now by your article. Thanks ngozi. Pls keep the good work. May God bless and increase you in Jesus name. I will always like to hear from you pls

  3. This week our Daddy has been impressing on me greatly the truth that you have posted here. I am always amazed when I see exactly the same references and truths presented as was laid on my heart We are baptized into one Spirit. Hallelujah!!!!
    There is POWER in the name!!!!

    1. Hallelujah! Glory to God! We are baptized into one Spirit!
      Your comment gladdens my heart.
      Thanks Patrick for the feedback.
      God bless you.

    1. Thanks Ros for your comment and yes I enjoyed the
      post you shared on the topic of Acts 3:16.
      God bless you.

  4. Pingback: Why Go To Church

  6. As mosquitoes carries malaria naturally so the name of Jesus without stress produces wonders, signs, power, deliverance etc… Ps.18:44 as soon as the enemy heard the name they obeyed & also submitted. The name Jesus is the believers STAFF of authority, Jesus gave the church a departing gift “His Name”. This sign shall follow them that believe ” IN MY NAME” shall they……” Whoa!!!! There is something about the name “JESUS”. I can go on and on.. Many thanks Sis. Ngozi . God bless you. Your write up is also a big plus to us all..

  7. Thank you for so much information. At bible study we were asked to do as homework: Power in the name of JESUS! I Truly love ❤ the Lord for who He is and what He has done for me, doing for me now, and what He’s gonna do for me in the future. Through His HOLY SPIRIT I will continue to Glorify HIS NAME throughout ETERNITY!!! AMEN!!!


  9. Thank you Ngozi for this article. It is really great to know just how powerful knowing Jesus is,and that by believing in his name we are able to change our everyday situations. Jesus is Life. We indeed serve an awesome God. Stay blessed.

  10. Thank you for such a great reminder about the power that comes with the name of Jesus. I am facing challenges like never before and am encourage to rely on the promises in God’s word about Jesus’ name.

  11. Wao, I am too blessed by this article, a clearer understanding of Power in the name of JESUS, From today nothing shall be impossible for me again in the name of JESUS Amen. Thank you so much, may our Lord JESUS continue to uphold you on the Palms of His hand in Jesus name Amen.

  12. Quite inspiring. The message is short , clear and concise . More of such for kingdom citizens. God keep for more work in His vineyard.

  13. I thought about His name,and here comes a revelelation of great and powerful things we can do through his name. His name is full blessing to us who are of his body. The name of Jesus is not just a common name. Let us not be deceived. May God add more faith in us to belive in this name. JESUS….JESUS….!

  14. the power is very great we can also see it when he raised the dead, healed the blind and cast out the demon.(I can happily say there is power in the name of Jesus)

  15. Bless God! Indeed there’s noother name higher than the name of Jesus
    All things are possible in his name .

  16. What a wonderful piece, Here In South Africa we rarely find much anointed books. Not that there are no such books here, but not as much as we have in Nigeria. But this article is worth more than a million. Please Keep it up.I also ask you to see if you put it up as a book .God Bless you real good ma. From East London, South Africa.

  17. Waooooo I’m delivered by the power of the name Jesus. Sister thanks a lot I need to share this message

  18. This write up assisted me in preparation of a message l needed to preach at a certain day. How l pray that God will continue to use you to be channel of blessing. God bless you

    1. Amen!
      I thank God that the write up helped you Moses.
      I pray that other posts will be of great help too.
      God bless you.

  19. So nice $ understandable. More grace τ̅☀ w̶̲̥̅̊hε̲̣̣я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣ τ̣̣ђѐ knowledge ÇO̶̲̥̅ε̲̣ frm $ blessed is τ̣̣ђѐ breast U̶̲̥̅̊ suck frm. Remain bless $ expand as U̶̲̥̅̊ added more wisdom τ̅☀ people’s life. Thnks.


  21. Hi ,I am glad I came across your post,i am highly lifted in faith.There is great power in the name of Jesus.If all were to understand these revelation and the power behind this name we could overcome all the hindrances which encounter in our daily lives.

  22. Thanks for a great piece. However, not only born again have access to His name. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    1. Yes David, but it has to be in faith.
      It is faith in the name of Jesus that makes it work for a person.

      Thanks for the contribution David.
      God bless you

  23. This is goodness. If the church will awaken to the reality of this simple truth and embrace the name of Jesus as great possession worth more than silver or gold.as retorted by Peter at the beatiful gate. More grace my dear.

  24. The Lord is good all the time. The name of Jesus Christ is a strong Tower for those people that knows the name and use it in a proper way.
    I pray that the name will work for everyone and deliver our miracles into our hands in Jesus name. Amen.

    Also, I really appreciate the writer, may the Lord increase you in every area of your life and your anointing will not run down in Jesus name. Shalom.

  25. I use Jesus’ name when problems arise, and the enemy is very active.
    Sleep with the name of Jesus firmly implanted in your mind and you will deflate the enemy and sleep like a baby. His name is real and powerful so don’t miss out on using it. God bless you all.

  26. Wow, Thank you so much Holy Spirit for revealing to us the power that is being held in the Name Jesus, i wish i new then what i have just known now, i do believe with no reasonable doubt that with this teaching and understanding, my testimony is next.
    Glory be to God for His love unto us.

  27. Wow. In 2 weeks it will be 4 years since you posted this message. And it’s still a blessing! Since I acted on Peter’s call in acts 3 i think(repent, get babtised and you will receive the Holy Spirit) I have seen soo many wonderfull things. I used his mighty name so many times and each time great wonders happend: people got healed instantly, demons got out, and people got free and experienced the Holy Spirit. All through his name. Well this was a short testimony. I encourage all who read this: repent from your sins, get baptised and make sure someone can pray for you for the Holy Spirit. You shall see God’s Kingdom on earth! God bless you!

    1. Glory to God!
      Thanks Johan for this wonderful testimony.
      May God increase you more and more in Jesus name.

  28. This is a very powerful and inspiring message. May the Lord continue to bless you. I am blessed through this message.

  29. I love the simplicity of your writing. The Holy Spirit led me to your blog through a simple Siri search about the Name of Jesus. You interpret where necessary but in most cases, allow the Word to be its own commentary. I am a pastor in Dominica in the West Indies and hope to share some of your lessons with our congregation. Keep bearing the Name of the Lord.

    1. Glory to God!
      Thanks Pastor Martin for your comment.
      Please do share with your congregation.
      May God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.

  30. The name of Jesus is more than anything we can think of, it’s more powerful than razor blade and bullet of a gun. thank u sis ngozi for a wonderful message

  31. This is the mysteries hidding for ages now revealed to us. Hallelujah. What a wonderful name Jesus.

    1. Praise God!
      I thank God for revealing the power that lies in the name of Jesus.
      God bless you Apostle Israel.

  32. Truly, the name of Jesus has light, that darkness has no control over those who are covered by the light.

  33. Thank you very much, this really is an inspiring message from God through you. May the good Lord continue to bless you and increase your ministry in Jesus name………………. Amen

    1. Glory to God!
      Thank you Pastor Victor for your comment.
      May God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.

  34. This is so powerful and I believe and trust that the name Jesus is so powerful. Silver and gold have I none but I give you the name of Jesus, rise and walk and a crippled walked .God bless you for this powerful message in Jesus name..

    1. Praise God!
      Thanks Tilyenji for your comment.
      I pray that God will reveal more of His power to you in Jesus name.

  35. Wow! I am really Blessed By this . . . This Has given me more understanding of the Power in the Name of Jesus. More Grace.


  37. am blessed…. I read this article last year.I preached it spirit of God backed the word..many souls won to Christ…

    1. Wow! Glory to God!
      Thanks Dr Muchui for sharing this testimony here.
      God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.

  38. hmmm,what a powerful message. I will be trying to use the name of Jesus often. pls help me prayer.I have a sickness in my body for more than 7yrs now,all I need from u is ur prayer. in my family people don’t grow old before they die,pls pls place ur hand on this write n pray always for me. I will testify soon.

    1. Glory to God!
      I pray that the great Physician, our Lord Jesus, will stretch forth His healing power upon you and grant you total healing.
      By the stripes of Jesus you are healed in Jesus name. amen

  39. Ngozi, I am blessed with this teaching, just meditating on the name of Jesus for teaching tomorrow in our service suddenly I came across your piece, it made my understanding fantastic and positioned for sound teaching tomorrow. Am sure the people will be blessed and lifted. God bless you Ma.

  40. I am so much blessed with this article and I would share this to the lost souls. So much power in His name.

  41. Thank you Ngozi for reminding us of the power in the name of Jesus. When we catch the rhema vision mixed with our faith the name of Jesus will give us victory and work for us even supernaturally in every situating we invite Him into.

  42. Waooo what a powerful message. I pray that the Holy Spirit fill you with more wisdom in Jesus name. Your message makes me believe more on the power in the name of Jesus. My ears will not hear it alone, pls permit me to share it with my fellow members in bible study.

    1. Glory to God!
      Thanks Felicia for your testimony of the impact of the message on you.
      Pls feel free to share it with others.
      God bless you.

  43. This is great and amazing. This is not born out of human academic intellectual ingenuity but by the wisdom of God from above. Full of soul lifting, eye opening and inspiring.

  44. Praise God, Thank you for breaking down to us about the use of power in the name of Jesus, and that we who believe in Jesus Christ handle his name so preciously. I needed this information for me and my family. We are now released from famine and lack. Praise God and Amen Thank You so much Ngozi May God Bless you in every way.

  45. The message is real, full of life, transforming, healing, deliverance, insight, eye opening, God bless you and fill you with heavenly wisdom of His word in Jesus name. Hillary

  46. I was tremendously blessed.more grace!this name has the same effect everywhere.Up,here,below & will respond anytime to save because this saviour is alive!- Hebrews 8:25

  47. Hello your presentation is fantastic. I totally agree with you. I am blessed. Thank you and God bless you.

  48. Amen!! Thank you for being obedient in writing this message. I am hungry and thirsty to understand Jesus in a deeper way and put his gifts and power to Good use for God’s kingdom. My Faith is strong and this has helped me gain a deeper understanding of the honor and privilege God gifted us with…putting it all together is taking me some time. I am going to take these scriptures and study them some more in my Bible version and pray Jesus leads me into trusting him more so that I completely and utterly understand the reverence of the power given in the name of Jesus.
    May you continue to hear good fruit my sister and be blessed with his wisdom and grace.

    1. Hallelujah!
      Thanks Christine for your comment.
      May God continue to reveal Himself to you more and more in Jesus name.

  49. I really love your article and is really a blessing but how can one adopt the attitude of believing the power in that name without doubting and how many time do I need to call that name before things begin to happen?
    God bless you for that article but I need the answers as well

    1. Hello Akabueze.
      Thanks for your comment and question.
      For the first question: if you are a born again Christian,
      it is the same way you believe that you are saved by confessing
      Jesus as your Lord and Savior without doubting.
      For the second question: a man of God said that once is enough.
      I tend to agree with him because Jesus is not hard of hearing.
      It is a matter of your faith in Jesus and His name.
      God bless you.

  50. Wow, what a great insight. Thank God for using you as a vessel through which the gospel of christ is preached. May God continue to bless you. Pls permit me to share to my family and friends.

    1. Praise God!
      Thanks Alex for your comment.
      Pls do share but remember to give credit to the author.
      God bless you.

    2. This is amazing. I having meaning to go deeper to know the power in the Name of Jesus and this is just wonderful. May God continue to increase you.

  51. Praise the Lord
    Dear Ngozi, I appreciate your message. It is very much an encouraging message to believe in the name of Jesus instantly. I also was very much encouraged to preach about the power in Jesus name

    1. Hallelujah!
      Thanks Benjamin for your comment.
      May God bless you and empower you to preach about the power in Jesus name.

  52. My God! I love God…. This morning while praying I had this message drop in my spirit “The name of Jesus” and as I was preparing a message on what I heard in my spirit, I stumbled on this article and I must say I am blessed and I trust God that the Church of Jesus will be blessed by this message this evening.
    Thanks ma’am

  53. This is a great message and I’m really blessed. All Christians (born again) believes in Jesus but not all consciously believe on His Name. That’s why most Christians are weak and vulnerable because they hold the Name so lightly and casual. Thanks for this awakening, God bless your ministry

  54. An inspiring message useful for me to preach in the church on a topic “In the mighty name of Jesus.”

  55. thank God for a vessel like you. this message is powerful like it title, you also are powerful through Jesus more grace to you MA

  56. THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! Speak His name and the devil will tremble. This message is so spirit filled. Thank you

  57. The mystery of power in the name of Jesus is unfolded in a wonderful way. May the Lord use you in the ministry in a mighty way in the days to come.

  58. This is a wonderful write up. It is not only educating but carries power, the
    power of God. May God continue to strengthen you to work for him.

  59. This message has really blessed me. Serves as a reference for my sermon today. God bless you mightly

  60. Thank God for this powerful exposition on the name of Jesus. May you continue to grow spiritually strong. Pst. Adewoyin.Pst.

  61. This is a very good and interesting message. It gives more understand and insight of knowing how to use the name of Jesus. God bless the writer.

  62. To God Be The Glory! Am Empowered With Your Teaching, Please Keep It Up . God Bless You With More Knowledge And Wisdom For His Work Here On Earth.

  63. Ngozi:

    I really like the content of your articles. You have a lot of wisdom. You are one anointed lady!


  64. Thanks Ngozi. Your exposition of “The Power in the Name of Jesus” inspired me and increased my understanding. God bless.

  65. Thank you Jesus for given me this understanding about the power in the name of jesus .

  66. Thanks very much for the article, i have learned a lot about the POWER of the name JESUS. this means information and revelation of the Name through meditation and faith is the only way to experience the manifestation of the power of the Name JESUS.

  67. Ngozi this is soooo wonderful. may the good Lord bless you and may his spirit continue to expose you to deeper truths so you can impact the world more at your corner… more grace child of God.

  68. Thank you so much for the revelation you have shared. This is life changing for me. May God continue reviewing things to you.

  69. Awesome word. very well expressed. May Christ richly bless you as you continue to deliver His Word. In Jesus Name. You are a blessing to us all. Psalm90

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