Have you ever wondered why your faith seems not working? Many Christians truly believe the word of God but are receiving less because they are ignorant of how faith works. As such faith is not difficult to produce results if you know how it operates. So, one major way to put your faith to work is by speaking more. This post explains why speaking more as believed blesses at the end.
And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak – 2 Corinthians 4:13 (NKJV).
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says – Mark 11:23 (NKJV).
A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth, and the recompense of a man’s hands will be rendered to him – Proverbs 12:14 (NKJV).
The Big Challenge
It is most frustrating to believe God’s word and not receive your desired result. So, what is the issue? One area to consider is your consistency in speaking what you believe; many Christians are failing it at this point. Therefore, it’s not enough to believe God’s word in your heart (the enemy believes it too and trembles, James 2:19); it’s saying as you believe it that matters most. So, you will only have what you say (Mark 11:23) and not what you don’t say!
You may have prayed the word of God (this is important), but have you spoken it? Surely, when you give voice to what you believe you activate and put it to work. Hence, God is waiting for you to speak out what you believe to deliver your desired answer to you.
Why Speak It Out
1. Life and death are in the power of the tongue
The tongue has the power to deliver life or death depending on what you say, and those who know to use it eat of its fruits (Proverbs 18:21). This means that unspoken words are powerless and lifeless. So, just believing the word of God in your heart will not activate its potentials.
2. Channel for blessings
Speaking the word you believe is a channel through which God releases the blessings in the word. So, until you say it, you will not have it (Mark 11:23). Also, that means until you say it, it remains a dream, an unrealized desire.
3. God desires it of you
God truly wants you to open your mouth wide so He can fill it (Psalm 81-10) with the words that will bless your life. Also, know that the words of your mouth control your destiny; as such shutting your mouth is to hinder your destiny from being fulfilled. Therefore, if the Lord sees speaking what you believe as important, then you must pay attention to it.
4. Channel for Victory
God subdues your enemies through the words of (Psalm 81:10-14) your mouth. Hence, your victory over your enemies lies on your tongue. Therefore, you must speak the word of God against your enemy for Him to effect your victory over the devil.
5. A proof of your faith
If you believe, you will speak it out (2 Corinthians 4:13). This shows that you actually have faith in God and His word, and that you believe that God will do even as He had said. Therefore, what you can’t say you don’t believe.
6. Angels are waiting for your word
The angels of God do the word of the Lord as they hear you say it (Psalm 103:20). As such, you can only put your angels to work by speaking out God’s word that you believe in your heart. So, don’t render your angel redundant, give him what to do by speaking out the word of the Lord.
7. It is the wisdom of God for a turnaround
The dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14 came alive as Ezekiel prophesied as instructed by the Almighty. As he prophesied, the bones were obeying his words till they became an exceeding great army. The situation around you will not turn around for good until you consistently speak God’s word over it.
Biblical examples
During the fight between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17), David first killed him with the word of his mouth before he saw him dead. First, Goliath cursed David with his words in the name of his gods, then David countered his words by his own words. He told Goliath that the Lord would deliver him to him, and he would strike him and cut off his head. And that was exactly what God did for him.
Therefore, not only should you declare the word of God over your life, you should also counter negative words against you with the word of God; never allow the enemy’s words to hang over your life and destiny.
When Jesus went to raise Jarius’ daughter from death, He met people wailing and He told them that the child was sleeping and not dead, and they ridiculed Him. However, He went in and just took her by the hand and she rose up (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-25). A sleeping person only needs a tap to rise up. So, Christ’s words brought her to a sleeping mode and she arose as Christ took her by the hand.
It is not enough to believe the word of God in your heart, you must keep speaking it out until you see it fulfilled. Furthermore, the Lord has given you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries cannot contradict or resist (Luke 21:15). So, use the wisdom that God has given you and receive your desired answered prayers, and your enemies will no more overcome you by their words.
So, what other reasons do you have for speaking out God’s word?
Jesus is Lord!
Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
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Image by Wendell
Thank you for this wonderful reminder. It is always a blessing to get your post.
Glory yo God!
Thanks Becky for your comment.
God bless you.
Hi and this was great. I host a skype group . monday-Thrusday mornings. 8-9 EST we confess God’s word over ourselves… this is exactly what I teach… great confirmation…
Praise God!
Thanks Rev Jean for the confirmation.
God bless you and your ministry in Jesus name.
Thanks for a wonderful post.Through Jesus Christ and through our mouths loudly saying the word of God for our goals in 2020 we will emerge victors.It is very interesting for us to just sit there and blame God for doing nothing for us when He is anxiously waiting for us to just say His word for our situations and He quickly fulfills it.What a paradox?People perish for lack of wisdom.The word of God has been brought to us by His servant, let us heed it and 2020 will be a year of difference.
Glory to God!
Thanks Peter for your lovely contribution.
God bless you
In the article you were telling that to speak the word of God, but whom to speak? Is it saying a prayer loudly you meant?
God bless you Gilbert.
You speak the word of God aloud concerning the issue you are targeting.
For example, a student will say concerning his education- I will be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13)
A businessman will say – whatever I
do shall prosper (Psalm 1:3)