February 12, 2025

9 thoughts on “It’s Speaking More As Believed That Blesses At The End

  1. Hi and this was great. I host a skype group . monday-Thrusday mornings. 8-9 EST we confess God’s word over ourselves… this is exactly what I teach… great confirmation…

  2. Thanks for a wonderful post.Through Jesus Christ and through our mouths loudly saying the word of God for our goals in 2020 we will emerge victors.It is very interesting for us to just sit there and blame God for doing nothing for us when He is anxiously waiting for us to just say His word for our situations and He quickly fulfills it.What a paradox?People perish for lack of wisdom.The word of God has been brought to us by His servant, let us heed it and 2020 will be a year of difference.

  3. In the article you were telling that to speak the word of God, but whom to speak? Is it saying a prayer loudly you meant?

    1. God bless you Gilbert.
      You speak the word of God aloud concerning the issue you are targeting.
      For example, a student will say concerning his education- I will be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13)
      A businessman will say – whatever I
      do shall prosper (Psalm 1:3)

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