The height of a building is determined by its foundation. Also, how prosperous a year turns out is largely determined by its starting point. When you start well and continue in the same, your end shall surely be successful. And one way to start and continue well is by imbibing the attitude of praise and thanksgiving.

Rejoice evermore. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you – 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18 (KJV). Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God – Philippians 4:6 (KJV, emphasis mine). But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel – Psalm 22:3

An attitude of praise and thanksgiving makes a merry heart. And a merry heart does good like medicine. It takes a joyful heart to go through a day, week, month and year, challenges notwithstanding. A praise-full and thankful heart always sees a reason to praise God and be happy.

If you desire a prosperous and glorious year, then check your success foundation. How much of gratitude unto God do you have? Can it carry you through the year or do you need a refill? A praise-full heart commands wonders because the God of wonders only dwells in such environments.

Make it a habit to praise or thank God in everything, no matter the situation. It could have been worse you know. Every morning thank God for the day before, praise Him for today and what He is going to do. This speaks so much of your expectation, and certainly your expectation shall not be cut off.

An attitude of praise and thanksgiving will affect your thoughts, words and actions. It will affect your relationships, responses to issues including offences (which will surely come). Furthermore, it will affect your choices and your daily choices affect your tomorrow.

As simple as it may sound and seem, to cultivate this attitude is not easy for many people. This is because some persons see it as foolishness, though it is the wisest thing to do to enjoy a prosperous and glorious year; others find it justifiable to murmur and complain. Amazingly, many people think it is their duty to worry over issues.

I have realised, from experience that murmuring, complaining and worrying do not solve any problem, rather they compound issues. They cloud your mind and prevent you from thinking constructively. But praise and thanksgiving ventilates your mind and allows you to think straight.

Many people are quick to pray, which is good but adding praise gives quicker results. Praise invites God of success and wonders into your situation immediately. And where God is, there is liberty and fullness of joy.

In conclusion, God has ordained a glorious and prosperous year for you. How strong is your success foundation? What was your starting point and how far have you gone with it? Your attitude determines your altitude. This year shall turn out to be great for you in Jesus name.

Jesus is Lord!

Ngozi Nwoke
Grace and peace of God be unto you.

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