Do you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness before every other thing? If so, then all these things shall be added to you. This is what Christ said, and He is a covenant-keeping God.  For, the Lord says what He means and means what He says.

Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you – Matthew 6:31-33 (NKJV).


God has no challenge granting your heart desires. And He actually knows that you have need of those things. However, He doesn’t want you to seek those things first, but the kingdom of God and His righteousness. For when you do as He instructed, automatically, the things you desire are added to you.

All These Things Shall Be Added To You

Truly, God is a covenant-keeping God. So, once you fulfil your part, His part is automatically fulfilled too. This is why He said you should not worry about what to eat, drink or wear, and focus on God’s kingdom. Unfortunately, many people lack understanding of this, and so spend all their time seeking the wrong things; yet, they are never satisfied. And ‘all these things’ include all those things you desire, there are no exceptions. In addition, you’re not to ponder on how the Lord will do it, yours is to just believe and it’s done.

Scriptural Examples

There are many examples in the scriptures of people who engaged in kingdom service and received their heart desires. I will share two here.

The Shunammite Woman – 2 Kings 4:8-37

The Shunammite woman chose to seek the kingdom of God first with her husband by taking care of the man of God whenever he passed their city. This they did continuously and joyfully. Then, one day the man of God, Elisha, asked her what she wanted to be done for her. And she said she dwelt among her own people, as though she had no need. But God knew, they had no child and caused Gehazi to say so. Then, Elisha declared that she would have a son according to the time of life, and it was so. Again, when this son died, her service still spoke for her, for Elisha prayed and he came back to life. All these happened for her because she spent her resources, energy, time, etc., to take care of the servant of God.

Dorcas – Acts 9:36-42

She was full of good works and alms deed which she did. And when she died after being sick for a while, the disciples refused to allow her to die like that. So, they sent for Peter, who came and prayed and she came back to life. So, her kingdom service fetched more years on earth for her.

My testimony

Some years back, my husband was transferred to a new place and I had to relocate with him, so needed to leave my job. So, while at home, I would spend time praying for the church and praying in the Spirit. Then, one day, I was moved to call forth my job and I did. That day, my husband came back and told me a lady came into his office. And the lady was a human resource person in her company. So, my husband told her that I was looking for a job and she asked me to come and see her. So, the long story short is that I got a job with her company. And people were amazed because I had only stayed for three months, while many of them had stayed for years without getting a job in that firm.


Truly, it pays to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Surely, every other thing will be added to you. Therefore, seek God’s face to know specifically, what He would want you to do for Him. And while waiting for Him, start with any of the things mentioned earlier. These include soul winning and praying for the church and souls to be won into the kingdom of God. Surely, every other thing will be added to you.

Jesus is Lord!

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God bless you.

Ngozi Nwoke

Grace and peace of God be unto you.

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Image by Roland J. Sims